Author's Note

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The characters or the situation around which the book is set is all fictional.

Kindly read till chapter 5: Base camp and then decide if the book is worth reading or not.


📢 Re-entering English World of Writing...

It's been quite long since I wrote anything in English, so reviews and constructive criticism is always welcome...

Friends, I hope this recipe I cook will have your favourite ingredients...

4 tp of thriller
2 tp of adventure
1 tp of romance
1/2 tp of sadness

I'll try to make it taste good. 😉

Mt. Everest is one of my favourite places in the World, next to Paris 🗼 however, I might not be able to visit the summit of Mt. Everest. I wanted to see it through my words... So can you...!

Hope y'all will support me all the way 🙏

Your criticism is gonna make me a better writer. But don't be hateful 😣 I'll listen to your friendly comments...

One more thing... Love y'all for your support 💛

Be happy and make others happy too...!

Happie Reading...!

I need to thank my close friends for motivating me to start writing in English, actually to write anything at all...

Kyra92 d-inkless-pen yogamickey Jegannath_Alagendran SmooothCriminal001

Thank you guys... You're the Best!!!

Let's get started... Shall we?


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