Long night

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It was Midnight and Cambria was screaming. Antonio had no idea how women did it, how they handled a child and still worked. It was Jay and Cambrias 5th night home. Antonio for the fifth time got up and picked up Cambria. She calmed down the second Antonio picked her up. He sat down on his side of the bed, Cami held close. The second the bed dipped Jay groaned as his weight shifted. Antonio stood back up and grabbed Jay some pain meds. He gently woke Jay up and handed the meds to him. After jay took the meds he went back to sleep Antonio walked to the kitchen and made Cambria a bottle. He fed her and layed her back in her crib. Once she was back asleep Antonio layed back down beside his husband and fell asleep. Cambria didn't wake back up till Antonio's alarm went off. He picked Cami up and changed her befor dressing her in black leggings and a pink Chicago police department shirt. He ruffled her fuzzy blond brown hair that looked just like Jay's. They went downstairs and with Cami in one arm he made coffee and breakfast for Jay. He fixed Cami a bottle and fed her befor drinking a cup of coffee and laying Cami back in her crib. He showered and got ready for work, he then helped Jay get dressed and helped him downstairs. Once Jay had ate he grabbed Cambria's "work" bag which was really her diper bag and they left to the precinct. When they got there Antonio helped Jay out and got Cambria's carseat. The small family walked up to intelligence. When they got up there Voight picked up Cambri as Antonio got Jay settled in his chair. Suddenly the phone rang with a case. 103 south garrison, possible gang shooting. The team was geared up and out of the precinct in 10. Jay sat there Cami in his arm as he worked on paperwork, Trudy came up and took Cami from Jay and went to change her for Jay so he didn't  have to get up. Not long after the team was back, the rest of the morning was spent solving a case. Finally they caught the unsub and went home.

Chicago PD-Jay Halstead and Antonio Dawson MpregWhere stories live. Discover now