"Living with the Magcon Boys" Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 | What?

Charlotte Bordelon's P.O.V.

"Char, are you listening?"

I look at my uncle sitting in the driver's seat and pull my earphones out, "Wait, you were talking to me?"

He runs a hand over his face and lets out a long sigh, "Yes, Charlie. I'm talking to you."

"Sorry, Uncle Bart. You're always busy or on the phone talking 'bout some business shit." I gesture to the Bluetooth device in his ear. "I'm surprised you even showed up at the airport on time. Let alone remembered that I was flying into LA today."

He gives me a look and shakes his head, "Char, not now." I swear, sometimes I get him and my actual parents mixed up. There's not much of a difference in the way they treat me. "So as I was saying, we don't really have space in our house anymore." My eyebrows furrow at this. No space?! One of the main reasons I'm moving in with my uncle is because my parents said it was the only other place than home with space. Plus, it was the only place I was willing to go to since I spent all of my holidays and vacations until I was 10 years old there. "Your aunt Melinda has to stay home to watch and take care of the kids while I go on tour and on business trips – "

"Then why am I here?" I say, throwing my hands up. "Why didn't dad just ship me off to some other random relative or like, I don't know, military school?" I ask. "Or how about an all girls camp for 11 year olds? Oh wait, no, I got it! What about rehab?! That seems suitable since you all think I'm so screwed up." I add sarcastically.

"You're not screwed up, Char. You're just growing up. And also your dad's having trouble with money, so school that's not public is not an option. You know that. And did you also forget that your dad's my little brother? I know you don't have any siblings, but you help your family out when they need it."

"Ha! Yeah, tell my mom that."

He pauses before ignoring my comment completely, "You'd be giving a great deal of help to your dad if you stopped getting into so much trouble and not make this whole move be for nothing. You'd be helping me too by cooperating... and by taking your feet off my dash, please."

I sigh and slip my boots off and sit up, "So if I'm not staying in yours and aunt Mel's house, then what? Are you putting me in military school?"

"Maybe I should. You know, so you have other things to channel your anger through that's not your fist and other people's faces. But then again, I'd rather not go through the whole searching and registration process. Plus, I'm not very fond with the idea of you being so close to guns." He pauses, "Besides... I wouldn't put my favorite niece through that."

I roll my eyes, "Yeah sure," I say sarcastically. "I'm your only niece."

He smiles, "And that's why you're my favorite. One of you's enough."

I laugh and shake my head, "So what, then? Where am I staying?"

"Remember that convention I manage? The one I told you about last time we visited for Christmas?"

"Uhhh, it starts with an 'M', right? Mad..."


I snap my fingers and jump in my seat, "Magcon! Yes! That. That's the name. I was gonna say that. That's uh, that's the one with a bunch of boys."

"Exactly. Do you know any of them?"

"I do, actually. Every single freakin' girl in my school won't shut the hell up about them. They're all 'oh my god I met Cameron Dallas', 'oh my god Nash Grier is mine', 'oh my god I love hot boys.'" I make a bunch of hand gestures as I say this and uncle Bart laughs in amusement. "By the way, thanks for that. I can't have a conversation with another girl or just be in school without having someone bring up the 'Magcon' boys. Why'd you have to put together so many of them, too? I mean 5 hot british and irish boys, I've learned to deal with, but 10 hot american ones?"

"11, actually..."

I throw my hands up in exasperation, "Even worse! Because now I gotta sit through a 30 minute conversation in class as some chick rambles about each and every one of them."

"So you're familiar with them?" He replies as he keeps his eyes on the road in front of him.

"I guess. What does this have to do with where I'm staying? Are you taking me with you on these tour things since I can't stay with aunt Mel? Am I traveling with you? That sucks, I was sort of looking forward to living in LA." I look out of the window and admire the tall palm trees and clear skies. Then I realize something and let out a groan, "Oh god. Will I have to endure plane and car rides with those boys?"

"Actually..." He slows to a stop in front of a red light and then looks at me cautiously.

I raise an eyebrow, "What?"

"The boys are taking a break while I go and book more tour stops."

"So why are we talking about them?"

"... Because you're going to be living with them."

I stare at him and then repeat myself, "What?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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