Dreams. (Chapter 1)

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((Quick A/N- this is basically just a recap of what happened in chapter 200, but there's actual story afterwards.))

"Ah... Kaburamaru-kun..." ####### says as she lays in #####s arms.

"#####-san... Did we win?" She asks shakily.

##### then replies, "Yeah, we won. ##### is dead."

"Thank goodness.. My body doesn't even hurt.. I think I''m going to die soon..." She says, closing her eyes.

"I'll die soon too, you wont be alone." He responds, hugging her a little tighter.

"I don't want you to die #####-san... I wasn't very helpful, I'm sorry."

"What are you saying, please don't talk like that. Do you remember the day we first met?" He questions.

"Yeah. #####-san... you helped me when i got lost... in the master's mansion." She responds.

"No. It's the opposite." He retorts. "I thought you were such a normal girl when I met you that day, I was saved. Being excited and smiling over nothing in particular- I'm sure you went through some difficult ordeals to become a pillar, but it didn't feel like that at all. When I talked with you, I really enjoyed it, I was happy as if I was also a normal young man- I'm sure everyone else felt the same way- You, who is endlessly bright and friendly.. I... I won't let anyone speak badly of you."

####### starts to quietly sob as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Waaah! I'm so happy! I... I like you, #####-san! The meals I eat with #####-san are always the best- You're always looking at me so gently #####-san! #####-san #####-san please! If we're born again, if we can be born again as humans- will you take me as your wife?!"

Tears also start falling from #####'s eyes. "Of course!- If I'm alright with you. I'll definitely make you happy.. Next time I absolutely won't let you die, because I love you... Kanroji."

Everything fades to black.

Iguros POV

I awaken in a cold sweat and look around, placing my hand on my forehead. I check the time, and its 5:40, I still have around a half hour before I have to get ready for school, but I doubt I'll be able to fall asleep again. I swing my legs off the side of my bed and turn on the lamp on my bedside table.

"Another dream.. with that girl."

This girl has been appearing in my dreams since I was young. Although, when I was younger I didn't see her in my dreams that much.. It's only recently thats she's been showing up more often, but this time..

This time was different.

I finally have something- a name.

The names were always blurry, but this time was different.


I don't even know if this has something to do with me.. but that girl-

I don't know.

I put my thoughts to the side for now and get up. I walk over to my snake, Kuburamaru, to feed him. When I got him a few years ago, I hadn't even heard the name in my dream before it just- felt.. right? But then the name started appearing in my dreams referring to the snake. Unlike him though, I've never met a Kanroji, Although it is a beautiful name.

After feeding Kuburamaru I walk into the kitchen to make breakfast. I was never the best at cooking, but it's edible.

Afterwards I get into the shower, brush my teeth and hair, and get dressed in my uniform.

I say goodbye to Kuburamaru and head out the door and start the walk to school.

My parents have always traveled a lot, and I used to stay with one of my aunts or uncles, but when I turned 14 two years ago I was deemed capable of living on my own, but it was lonely, and thats when I got Kubarumaru.

As I approach school, I adjust my mask. It was already hard enough to have unnatural eyes like mine, and not wearing my mask would make everything worse.

"Hey Obanai!"

I turn around to find the source of the calling, and I turn around to see two boys in my class, Rengoku-kun and Tokito-kun. Rengoku-kun was the one who called out to me, as Tokito-kun was not the most sociable, but I guess we had that factor in common. I am I guess friends with the two, as we interact often.

"Hello Rengoku-kun, Tokito-kun, Good morning to you both."

They catch up to me and Rengoku-kun swings his arm around my shoulder. "Ahaha! You dont have to be so formal with the honorifics! We're friends after all."

I roll my eyes. "I'm just trying to not be rude."

Rengoku-kun sighs and changes the subject. "Hey Tokito- where's your brother today?"

Tokito-kun looks up at his name being called. "Hmm? Oh- he was sick with a fever today, but i feel that was just a lie to get out of coming to school."

Rengoku-kun is quite a social person.. so I wonder..

"Hey Rengoku-kun.." He looks up at me and I turn to him. "Do you know someone named.. Kanroji?"

Rengoku tilts his head up in thought. "Hmm, actually.. I think I heard Koucho mention a Kanroji once.. Why? Do you finally like someone?" He asks excitedly.

"I um- No I- It's nothing just wondering.."

We reach the schools doors and wave goodbye to each other, as Rengoku-kun and Tokito-kun have matters to attend to in the morning. I walk up to my classroom and wait until the bell rings, listening through the lesson until eventually lunch rolls around.

I am sitting with Rengoku and Tokito as usual. Out of the corner of my eye I see Koucho-san stand up. It seems Rengoku notices too, as he calls her over.

"Is there something you need Rengoku?" Koucho says with her usual happy demeanor, although sometimes it seems like she isn't as happy as she wants other to believe.

"Ah well- you know a girl named Kanroji right?"

I give Rengoku a death glare, altough his attention is focused on Koucho, he seems to notice and smiles at me.

"Oh- yes! Mitsuri Kanroji, she goes to a school about 10 minutes away, and she's my best friend! Any reason in particular for your asking?"

Rengoku smiles at me once again, and turns back to koucho.

"Oh, well it seems Iguro here has a cru-"

"Shut it Rengoku-kun. It's not like that-"

"If it's not like 'that' whats it like?"

"Well- It's a long story and I don't even know if you guys would believe me."

Koucho's attention turns towards me. "Well, lunch did just start so we have a lot of time, and I've heard quite a lot of unbelievable stories." She says as she sits next in empty chair next to Rengoku.

"... Fine."

I take almost the whole lunch period explaining the dreams.

"Don't tell anyone though." I finish

All three of them just stare at me, until Koucho speaks up.

"Well- they do say that your brain can't make up faces and everyone in your dreams you've already seen before, plus you did tell each other you would meet in the next life... Also, it's probably not my place to say this but Mitsuri-chan has been having dreams in a similar way to you."

"What wait I-"

The bell goes off, signaling the end of lunch.

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