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After revisiting this account and seeing how many drafts for different story ideas I had written, I was genuinely surprised that the high school version of me deadass wrote entire chapters for stories that never got to see the light of being published.

They're your typical, cliché teen fiction Wattpad stories but going through them made me feel like a naïve high schooler that fangirled over random white boys again. Hehe, you know. The good ol' times. So hopefully if you've come across this, these little excerpts have the same effect on you!

I'm sure no one who still follows me cares about the boys I write about anymore - I don't know what any of them except Shawn are doing anymore either haha - but I'm feeling reminiscent of the One Direction, 5SOS, O2L, Magcon boys era and I know anyone who had a fangirl phase can look fondly at those times too.

So here's to those times, and here's to all the fanfics that never got to see their endings because we all just grew up.

xoxo, revolushawn

Chapter 1 (Magcon)Where stories live. Discover now