May 2nd-3rd, 2020

16 0 0

There was quite a few parts to this one.

The first I remember was a zombie apocalypse. I was at school with H and A, and we were running down the hall. There were zombies everywhere, but we found that they found you by sight alone. I could see people hiding under blankets and in lockers, in locked classrooms and everywhere where you couldn't be seen.

We come to this big room at the end of the hall that looks like one of those indoor playgrounds. I look around and hide under this overhand next to the wall, next to this person under a blanket. Then a zombie suddenly appears over us and falls down to land like right next to me. I screech and kick at it, sending my foot right through its head and it doesn't get back up.

That's how we discovered the way to kill the zombies.

Then it turned to zombies invading my house. I had this wooden weapon that looked like a bent baseball bat with a long, somehow wooden blade attached to the end. It was dark and the lighting was an eerie dark green and there was a green glow-y fog around the edges of my vision. In short, it look like a horror movie.

I jump up to this big window in the living room and watch as this zombie chases my still-healthy cat around. I bang my weapon against the window and shout, "Hey ugly, leave Moo (my cat) alone!"

The zombie looks at me and comes closer, so I swing the weapon and knock his head off. I go around chopping up zombie head to make sure they're dead when a shout comes from the basement. A whole horde of zombies is coming up the steps and more are coming from the various room of my house.

"Ready?! Release!" A sudden voice shouts.

My eyes widen as I remember the new gas that was discovered to kill the zombies and I see my dad releasing said gas nearby.

The dream switches to a school bus scene and I'm in one seat watching the trees go by. I don't really remember this part of the dream, but it was something about the constant route and people I hate on the bus with me. I think there was a part where this one girl who I barely know got on the bus and started yelling at me for apparently no reason.

The third part was at some mall, one that had a glass ceiling. There was a large stage and an audience full of goths. On the stage, this other goth man was holding a microphone and talking about some karaoke he was about to perform.

"So this song is called Heart of Tears or something," he says, "And it's... a really great song, you should listen to it sometime... And I practiced a lot, so enjoy."

He then proceeds to sing this song and make everyone cheer. On the other side of the audience, I see my grade 8 teacher along with some of my old classmates.

The goth guy finishes his song and says, "Alright, next up on karaoke night is... me!"

And by me, he means me. I stand there horrified at having to sing in front of people before taking a deep breathe, muttering "fuck it," and going up to the stage. I don't remember what I sang, but it was a soft song, slow but not a romantic one. People loved it.

I go to walk off the stage but the man comes back and goes, "She's great isn't she? Now she'll do a nice duet with T!"

And I spin around with a shriek of, "What?!"

The guy looks at me in confusion and says, "You agreed to it. Don't you remember?"


"Oh... Well, you signed a contract, so you have to. You do get a couple million dollars for it though."

I grit my teeth but sigh. "Fine."

So T and I plan what song to sing. We briefly consider The Fighter by Keith Urban, but because he (T) can't sing, we talked about me singing the guy lines and him singing the female lines. We tried the chorus, before deciding not to do that song.

I pull out my phone and scroll through my playlist, suggesting this song called Bookmark. It was something my mind made up, but I remember the album cover looked like a nebula with electric blue on the edges that faded to a pale green in the centre.

My dream didn't show the duet, but afterwards I'm sitting next to T talking about feelings.

"No, who would want to date me?" I say.

"That's your problem," T goes. "You ignore everybody, you're always on your phone and when people try to talk to you, it's just short responses. You don't let people know you."

"Well, it's easier," I reply. "You can never tell if it's just a joke to them, so why go through the trouble?"

"Because that's what life is," T says.

I'm silent for a long moment before looking up to the glass ceiling and saying, "You know, I've never... talked to someone I barely know so much."

And this would all be very romantic if it wasn't for the fact that I don't like T. But dream T had good advice.

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