November 3rd-4th, 2020

16 0 0

Another Supernatural themed one.

This one started with seeing Dean on a motorcycle waiting at a stoplight. I walk up to him, and since I'm good friends with him and living in the bunker with the brothers, he greets me nicely. Then I push him off the motorcycle and drive away on it laughing. That's how I realize I'm the villain again.

So the next part is me driving back and forth along this stretch of highway trying to trick the Winchesters and loose them so they'll stop following me. This stretch of highway includes this wooden cabin/motel/supply store. On one bypass, I do this sort of super jump and go right from the highway to the bottom of the short hill behind the building and hide there.

I sell the motorcycle and buy a different one. Like the one just disappears while the other appears in front of me. The impala pulls into the parking lot of the place and I know they've seen me. So I drive away again and watch the building burn since I apparently asked Cas to set it on fire.

My powers are not to be used like this, he says to me telepathically.

But you used them anyway, I reply.

Knowing I only have a short time before the brothers are after me again, I drive along at what feels like a very slow speed. I don't quite know what happened, but there was a little cutscene in which I swallow some mix of water and a damn lot of glitter and start gagging and choking. That wasn't fun.

Back to the main dream, I end up in this little clearing with one burned, collapsed building and another cabin in perfect condition. Stopping the motorcycle, I run to the lake behind the two building, vaguely aware of the dead woman seemingly watching me from the ruins of the destroyed building.

In the shallow lake, I end up trying to kill these sirens and seeing one who seemed to represent Lilith throwing out a dozen babies wrapped in blankets so they just look like rolls of blankets with faces. A short cut and I'm in a thin building with seven of these babies all of whom are sleeping peacefully in a long wooden bathtub. The woman who was watching me and here too.

I ask where we are and she point outside. Looking around at the surroundings, I realize we must be in the destroyed house, only it's not destroyed anymore. I see the impala pull up and as Dean and Sam step out, I open the door and yell, "hey Winchester, you want a baby? They're quiet. And sweet. And quiet."

And all I get are expressions of "what the fuck?"

"The hell are you doing?" Dean asks.

"I can't say just yet," I reply with a sweet smile.

There's this part of us having to destroy the building when this scary dude is on his way and I realize this is how it was destroyed the first time. We have to kick out the supports holding up the house and I end up recalling a physics class on waves and vibration and "exposing an object to its natural frequency will cause it to vibrate more." It would work in real life, but we somehow kicked the supports with the same frequency which made it easier to destroy them.

Then I realize something and grab a telescope and try to find the constellation Orion. Something about if it's in the sky then I have to go. It's a cloudy day and the sky is grey, but this telescope still lets me see the starts. I know Orion should be there but I don't see it.

Anyway, I run back to the water and dive in. It's only like three feet deep and I'm trying to swim away unseen. Vaguely I know that I have to be in water or else I'll die or something as I'm some sort of creature. My dream described it as selkie, but I didn't have a coat.

There was something about trying to us this thin measuring tape to activate something but that didn't work. So I end up finding this portal-like curtain that takes me to this back up place I have. It's a very small decorative pool, like only three feet by two feet wide and two feet deep. I sink down into the water and it instantly stops this burning feeling I never noticed before. I can come out of the water, but only for a short time of the burning comes back so every so often I have to submerge myself completely.

Dean and Sam end up finding me and instead of being angry, Dean offers to play cards to pass the time. And I realize they understand what happened with me and they don't care anymore.

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