"Woah what a beautiful women...."

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"Woah what a beautiful woman," said the man with a husky and dry ass voice. "Y-you'll have to excuse my friend for staring too much!" Said the guy with an odd hairstyle nervously looking at the other guy. "So Miss are you new here to Morioh?" Said a smaller looking boy. "O-oh um actually I'm not I was here for most of my childhood but then I had to back to Spain so...I thought of coming back..." you chuckled nervously. "Eh Spain?! W-why did you have to go to Spain" Said the dry manly voice. "OKUYASU YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THOSE THINGS LIKE THAT SO BLUNTLY WHAT IF IT'S TO PERSONAL!" Said the guy with the pompadour punching the side of the other tall guy. "O-oh no it's quite alright actually my Parents are divorced!" You said trying to look less nervous. "Oh, my bad for asking then!" Said the Guy with scars on his face. "May I ask what your name is?" Said the small boy. You smiled and replied, "M-my name is Y/N Y/L-OH CRAP YOU SAY YOUR L-LAST NAME FIRST RIGHT??" You say embarrassed about how you don't know that much about Japanese culture... "Oh no, it's quite alright honestly!" Said the smaller boy reassuring you. "My name is Hirose Koichi! Call me Koichi!" He said politely. "OH OH! AND MY NAME IS NIJIMURA OKUYASU! CALL ME OKUYASU!!!" He said loudly and proudly. "My name is Higashikata Josuke! Call me Josuke." He said calmly. You smiled and said, "Um thank y-you very much for tell you telling me your names ありがとうございました!" You said smiling. "No problem I hope we get to see next time Y/N!" Koichi said. "AH, SHIT WE GOTTA GO GUYS WERE GONNA BE LATE!! BYE Y/N! Said Josuke running with Koichi. "T-TAKE CARE Y/N!!" Okuyasu said while running behind Koichi and Josuke "OI DON'T YOU GUYS FUCKIN DARE LEAVE ME BEHIND!!" You heard the loud sounds fade away while they were running. You thought to yourself *Parece Que hice Nuevos amigos!* you said smiling to yourself.

To be continued ———>

I hope you like 😔✊🏼💕 369 words

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