A Promise's Melody

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Lan WangJi was sitting, a delicate and beautiful cup of tea in hand. His heart raged with resentment directed at the person who was keeping him company, his face remained impassive. Since childhood he had been taught that holding grudges was wrong, but he could not avoid the dark feeling surrounding his heart when he saw the person who had caused him most damage in his life.

Jiang WanYin stood with downcast eyes and a frown, the cup of tea resting lightly on his thin lips. The heavy tension in the air, neither of them willing to be the one to break it.

Unlike Jiang WanYin, Lan WangJi kept watching him; his light eyes on Jiang WanYin felt frosty and despite their soft color, they were as hard as stone. Although his face showed no change, his eyes clearly expressed his hatred. Perhaps that is why Jiang WanYin did not look up, perhaps he was intimidated under the ardent scrutiny of the eldest, perhaps he was afraid to see in his orbs the hatred that WangJi felt for him. 'Good,' he thought; even knowing that it was most likely the youngest wouln't want to be forced to start a conversation with him if their eyes met. WangJi would not answer him peacefully. That much was clear.

Her heart was pounding. WangJi ignored it as much as he could, but it was always difficult. Jiang Cheng took a delicate sip of his tea, after holding the cup against his lips for ... well, since they both had to sit down to drink tea according to the protocol that maintained an air of respect between the sects and the disciples; Jiang Cheng looked up. Almond eyes met a restrained crystalline fury. His voice didn't falter as a part of Lan WangJi's mind wanted to happen.

"HanguangJun, I offer you my sincerest apologies for the inconvenience caused to your disciples by the impulsiveness of my nephew." There was not a drop of sincerity in his voice. Lan WangJi felt his brow give way from his annoyance, frowning almost imperceptibly. Yes, he was displeased with the tactics employed by Jiang WanYin's nephew, Jin Ling, and with the treatment his disciples recieved. However, that was not where his hatred originated and Jiang WanYin knew it. His heart beat furiously against his ribs, but his words sounded indifferent and static.

"You must not apologize, Sect Leader Jiang," Lan WangJi paused, bringing the cup to his lips. Taking notice to Jiang WanYin's stress, he added "The offer to pay for the nets that were destroyed still stands." Jiang WanYin's lip trembled and his gaze was flooded with contempt. WangJi chuckled inside at how easy it was to offend the younger one, considering his inflated pride. Violet sparks flashed from Zidian. Those disciples who had decided not to participate in the night hunt stopped their talk, attentive to any action the superiors took in case they had to stop a conflict. Knowing the character of both and the bad relationship they had, it was very possible that they would have to interpose or end the meeting to avoid a bigger problem between the sects.

Jiang WanYin relaxed his posture and started playing with the ring on his finger. His gaze still fixed on WangJi's. "It is not necessary," Zidian's sparks ceased, "both the Jiang sect and the Jin sect do not need your hospitality. We can afford new nets."

"Mn." Lan WangJi had completed his task; with Jiang Cheng's pride threatened, he would not speak again. And so it was.

Little by little, with the passing of minutes, the disciples returned to their conversations, calm that the danger had passed. Still, the tension in the air didn't seem to have vanished along with the silence. Both men continued to drink their tea, neither of them looking up again.

WangJi knew this was not right. He knew exactly that he was most likely wrong. But it was so difficult. So hard to admit it, because then... what would it say about him?

He also knew the answer to that question.

It would mean he didn't know what to do. And that was the absolute truth.

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