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The fire called out to me , I don't know why , perhaps just an imagination .. compelling me to abide .

I looked to my left to see my brothers  watching the flames roar .

The same flames that fed on our dearest mother and our unborn sister swallowing the wails and screams along with it .

I want to express my grief and anger but i can't say that or even think of it . I can't displease him . The ruler of this hell itself .. the oh -so-called king .

He stood there beside our eldest brother with a twisted smile and pupils dilated in satisfaction and pleasure .

Bending down I heard him whisper " my eldest hope , how do you feel?"

"I don't ." My brother whispers with a broken voice and bloodshot eyes as this man hummed in happiness .

It was getting dark in my mind .. my heart ... All I could see was darkness as I clinged to mothers last words and faded into my unconscious mind

" Everyone searches for demons who plays well with our own  .. I found one that wasn't even fit to be called a demon but worse .. my children don't walk the blood I shed. It awaits you , the faith that will undo all your misery , find not the demon but the storm that tosses thy  heart with all it's might for what you seek shall rest in thy beloveds hearts. I will always be with you "

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