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( the favor! )


HERE'S THE THING, Asuka knew she looked intimidating. Somehow, someway, she'd inherited all the bits and pieces of her parents that were rougher around the edges. The result? Her default setting was appearing to be perpetually annoyed with everything in the world around her, regardless of if she was actually annoyed or not. Now, Asuka wasn't a mean person, or at least she didn't think so, but she would admit that having a resting bitch face could come in handy sometimes—

"Oh, we also need to bring these completed projects to the teacher's room. Asuka, would you mind doing that?"

—unfortunately, this was not one of those times. 

Asuka cast a despairing look first at the towering stack of papers, and then at her friend who just gave her a wide smile framed with dimples.

Sakiyama Tomi was one of the few students in their year who was wholly unaffected by Asuka's sharp looks and seemed to be more amused than anything else when on the receiving end. Considering their friendship spanned back to middle school, she was also one of the few students that knew Asuka's "bark" (aka her apathetic face) was much scarier than her supposed "bite" (for some reason everyone thought she was a delinquent who got into fights regularly due to the multitude of bandaids she wore like other girls her age wore jewelry).

In reality, Asuka had only been in one fight her entire life which had occurred when she was fourteen and she severely doubted her classmates would be impressed. After all, she'd been bawling her eyes out the entire time as she hit a thief with her daisy-themed umbrella as he attempted to steal her bag while she waited outside a convenience store for Kaito. In the end it had been her older brother who'd managed to scare off the thief, leaving Asuka with a broken umbrella and a partially amused, partially worried Kaito to comfort her.

Deciding it was easier to just suck it up and lug the papers to the other side of the school, Asuka nods slightly in lieu of response, gathering the stack into her arms. The tall girl leaves the classroom without a word, huffing softly as she nearly loses her grip several times. 

She makes her way to the other end of the hall before beginning to climb the metal stairs, finding herself short of breath by the time she reaches the third floor, thighs burning just enough to make her question how in-shape she really was. She gives herself a few seconds to regain her breath before continuing down the hallway. Her phone buzzes against her leg and she nearly jumps, the papers sliding preciously to the side. She wrestles them back into place, her phone buzzing once more and then going silent.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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