Chapter One

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Ben clawed his way to the surface. He put his hand on the ledge. He pulled himself up. He stood up and tried to walk over to Rey’s body, lying on the floor. As he got closer, he fell down, too weak to make it al, the way in one attempt. He groaned as he hit the ground. He looked back at Rey, and he stood up again. The entire time, he was holding his side from the pain.

He continued to limp over. He was so close to her. But he fell again. He was right in front of her. He crawled his way over to her. He put his hand on her back and took hold of her arm. He shook her a little bit to see if she was alive. She didn’t respond. He pulled her up and into his lap. He saw her head limply fall as she lied with his hand on the back of her neck to support her head. He knew that she was dead.

His breathing became uneven. She couldn’t be dead. She had saved so many people. She had saved the whole galaxy. She had saved him. Why did she die when she did so much good? It may have been a sacrifice, but she didn’t deserve to die. He did. 

He looked around the area to see if there was anyone who could help him, even though he knew that there wasn’t. 

He pulled her body to his, hugging her. He knew what he needed to do. He was shaking from the thought of it. He never knew that he was afraid to die. He was the reason for so many deaths, including his father’s. He guessed that he just never thought of his. 

He held her close for a few more moments, just wanting to hold her. He had always wanted to hold her, but he never thought this would be how it finally happened. 

All of a sudden, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked in front of him, and then he looked behind him. He was shocked by what it was.

It was three Force-ghosts. Specifically, the Force-ghosts of his uncle, his mother, and his grandfather. His mother kneeled down beside him. “It’s not her time,” she told her son. 

“Mom,” Ben gasped.

Leia nodded. “I know. Let us do this.”

Anakin, Luke, and Leia surrounded Rey. Ben had no clue what they were doing and he didn’t care to ask. As long as Rey came out of this alive, that was all he needed. He took a deep breath to try to calm himself. He closed his eyes to concentrate on his breathing. He wasn’t going to die. At least not at the moment. All he wanted to do was see Rey and hold her. 

After a moment, Rey’s hand touched his arm. Ben quickly opened his eyes. He looked around. His family was gone. He looked at Rey. Rey’s eyes opened and she looked up at Ben. She sat herself up, not breaking eye contact with him. They looked at each other in shock and relief. 

“Ben.” Rey breathed after a moment.

Words: 531

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