Chapter Three

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15 years later...

Rey sighs as she knocks on Ireema’s door. “Come in,” she hears. Rey opens the door. 

“It’s time for dinner,” Rey informs her daughter. Ireema gets out of her bed and follows her mother to the table. Crystal and Aliviya, the twins, are already at the table eating with Ben. Ireema and Rey sit at their normal spots.

After a few moments of silent eating, Ben speaks up. “Since I wasn’t with you today, how was your day, Ireema?”

“It was okay. I’ve been having trouble with Force-healing.” Ireema replies and continues eating. “And I have to be able to do it before I can build my lightsaber.” Ireema gives her parents a dirty look, knowing that they made that rule.

“Ireema, it’s because if you ever injure someone while using a lightsaber, you should know how to heal them,” Rey explains. “If you want, I can help you after dinner.”

“Okay.” Ireema finishes eating. She takes her plate and sets it down on the counter.

“Are you done?” Ben asks. Ireema nods and heads back to her room. 

Rey looks at Crystal and Aliviya. “What color crystal do you think Ireema will get?”

Ben rolls his eyes. “Seriously, Rey? We’re still talking about this? She is going to have a blue crystal.”

“I am convinced that she will get yellow,” Rey replies. She looks back at her twins. “What do you think?”

“She’ll probably get yellow.” Aliviya answers. 

Crystal gives her sister a weird look. “Yellow? I’m with dad on this one. She’s going to get blue.” Crystal gets up and sets her plate on the counter next to Ireema’s. Aliviya does the same. 

Rey looks at Ben. “It’s your turn to do the dishes.” Rey stands and sets her plate next to her daughters. “I’m going to see if Ireema wants any help with Force-healing.”

Rey leaves Ben in the kitchen and finds Ireema’s room. She knocks. “Yeah?” she hears Ireema shout. Rey walks in. She rolls her eyes when she sees her daughter. 

“Your hair is a mess.”

Ireema scoffs. “Sorry, I’ve been training all day.”

Rey takes the hairbrush off of the nightstand and sits on Ireema’s bed next to her. “Sit on the floor.” Ireema does as instructed. Rey brings the brush to Ireema’s black, curly hair and begins to brush it. 

Ireema sighs. “So, you know the stories that dad has told me? More specifically about the Knights of Ren?”

“Yes, I know. I was there when he told you those stories. Why do you ask?”

“Are they true?” 

Rey stops brushing her daughter’s hair for a moment. “Ireema, you don’t need to worry about them. Your father got rid of them nearly fifteen years ago. You are thirteen years old. They were gone before you were born.” 

“That’s not what I’m worried about, mom. I just want to learn more about them.” Rey continues to brush her hair. “They seem interesting.”

Rey sighs. “I think there might be a book about them in the library. You can also ask your father.” Ireema nods. Rey sets the brush back onto the nightstand. “Do you need help with Force-healing?”

Ireema shakes her head. “No. I’ll figure it out.” 

“Alright. Good night, Ireema.” Rey kisses her daughter’s forehead and leaves her room.

WORDS: 552

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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