Chapter Two

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Rey brought her hand up to Ben’s face, softly touching him. Ben looked as if he were going to cry. They gazed into each other's eyes. 

Rey leaned in and placed her lips onto Ben’s. Ben moved his arms to wrap around her waist, finally being able to hold her. After a moment, they pulled away from each other. 

Rey smiled at Ben, waiting for a response. She hoped she didn’t do the wrong thing. 

Ben smiled back and chuckled. Rey’s smile grew wider. 

“Rey.” Ben looked up and saw all of the ships above. His smile fell. “We need to go. We need to help them.” Ben stood up as if he were in a rush.

“Ben, they’ll be fine. The Final Order is outnumbered.”

Ben took a deep breath. “Okay. You should head back to the base.”

Rey furrowed her brows. “What about you?”

“They’ll never let me in.” He sighed. “I’ll be fine, Rey. Be with your friends. Be happy.”

“Ben. They will let you come home. They’ll forgive you.”

“But what if they don’t?” Ben replied. 

“Then we both leave. If they won’t let you stay, then I won’t stay.”

Ben rolled his eyes. “I’m guessing that there’s no changing your mind?” Rey shook her head. Ben sighed. “Fine. We’ll take our ships and go back.”

Rey smiled. They both began walking to their ships outside of the Sith temple. Once they made it outside, they parted ways to their ships. 


Rey landed first at the base, where everyone was celebrating the victory of the Resistance. She hopped out of the ship, where everyone was waiting for her. Everyone was cheering for her. She moved through the crowd of people to find her friends. 

“Poe! Finn!” She shouted. She finally caught the attention of them. Their eyes widened and the three ran to each other. They met in the middle with a group hug. They stood there for a moment, enjoying each other’s presences. 

They finally separated. “Rey.” Finn breathed. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

Rey chuckled. “Just tired.” She took a deep breath. “Okay, don’t get mad at me. Ben is coming.”

The smiles left Poe and Finn’s faces. 

“What?” Finn asked.

“Rey, do you not remember all of the horrible things he has done?”

“I do. But you don’t think he deserves a second chance?” Rey asked.

“Let’s see, do I want to give a mass murderer a second chance? No, not really.” Poe replied.

Rey rolled her eyes. “Okay, I get it. He has done horrible things. He has murdered. But so have we. The stormtroopers we have killed? All of those people on the First Order ships? Both the First Order and the Resistance have killed.”

“That’s different.”

“It really isn’t.”

Rey heard the sound of a ship landing come from behind her. She turned around and saw Ben’s ship. She turned back to Poe and gave him a dirty look. She left her friends and made her way to Ben’s ship. When the cockpit opened to reveal who was in the ship, everyone went silent. When Ben heard the silence, he immediately closed the cockpit, refusing to come out of the ship. 

“Everyone to the tents! We’ll celebrate later!” Poe yelled. He and Finn walked over to Ben’s ship.

“Ben! Everyone’s gone! You can come out now!” Rey shouted.

Ben opened the cockpit again and left it. He landed onto the grass. He looked at Poe and Finn.

Words: 578

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