What You Are

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Robin was less than helpful. It's like he is purposely making it difficult for me so that I have to use the phone.


He follows me back to the bathroom and silently watches me clean at a distance. I don't know what's going. I don't don't why he hasn't shown me something awful. The hairs on the back of my neck stand erect as I can't help but be on high alert. This guy sits against the wall, legs crossed before him.

Mostly he stares with intense dark eyes. I try to avert my gaze, but it keeps traveling in his direction. Sometimes I'll see him playing with the dust on the floor. I can only ask myself: what does he plan to do?

I think the unknown is more frightening than the usual drop into despair. No familiar scent of death or terrible cries around me. Just an old house and a leaky faucet.

And those eyes.


I've stalled as much as I can, but I know those guys will come looking for me again if I don't show up soon.

I need to clean over there...

He's busy drawing something in the dust again. It's my opportunity to creep over, but my feet move as if glued to bricks.

With terrifying sudden alertness, his head shoots up and our eyes lock instantly. The chill in my body urns my blood to ice.

It's happening...

Old buzzing bulbs flicker before an audible combustion is followed by the sound of shattering glass.

I close my eyes and inhale deeply. I knew it would come.

My senses begin to fill in. The earthy scent of moisture in the air.


My skin is warm and growing stickier each passing moment.


Rustling over head and quivers nearby disturb the silence.

Trees. Wildlife.

If I were to open my eyes, what will greet me?

With a deep exhalation, my chin raises up towards the sky and as if on cue, my lids lift to signify the opening of the heavens.

If being soaked in rain were the worst part of this experience, I count it as a win, but there is no winning when the alternative is death. Aside from the less than generous starlight, the dark night seems to reach into forever.

I can see my house in the distance, or rather the house I now live in. I can vaguely make out the second floor addition. A light shines like a little beacon through the window. I know I shouldn't, but it really is like a beacon, calling me closer. Squelching muddy earth echoes distantly over the waterfall of rain.

I can barely see, but my instinct to wipe the endless water from my eyes, only serves to worsen my situation. Occasionally I sniffle, leaving my nose burning like an unexpected drop in the pool.

I push on.

I follow the edge of the forest on my right, that runs parallel to the manor. If, for some reason, someone is out tonight, it can serve as extra cover. Across the acres of neatly manicured green, something keeps pulling. Within me, another thing can't resist.

When the time finally comes and my feet begin making headway away from the safety of the trees, they suddenly stop.

A silhouette crosses not even twenty feet in front of me. I doubt it can see me, nevertheless everything freezes.

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