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Co-translator : umin99exol

Chapter 9


It took me a long time to come down from my bedroom. Red spots from the 'dog' bites are very sensitive. Fortunately,when wearing a t-shirt,the red mark made by Ai Choco are still rarely seen. That is,if you don't observe carefully,you won't see. Not wanting to wear my favourite shirt that i like to wear when i sleep is because i have a disease,and i think about the future that if Ai Choco sees the mark he has made,he must smile and tease ne. Even if he didn't speak,just smiling at the corner of his mouth could make me embarrassed

In spite of the fact that people who are shy shouldn't be me. But anyway,im embarrassed so to wait is the best way for now

"Aou, why did you say that you would like to warm the instant noodle ? Huh,just play with Ai Chell on the sofa "

"I cooked all of them already"

"Why did you do so? I haven't eaten anything since afternoon. The rice was not cooked. Washed it all up" I walked over to the sofa and asked the person who was lying there. He laughed before being able to shrink my leg so that i could sit down

"And if i don't come,where are you going to eat?"

"Well,if you didn't come,i would have slept until the morning and didn't wake up like this..Chell go to bed and sleep" i told Ai Chell to sleep on it own


It made sound before jumping and running to the mattress. As for Ai Choco,he sat up and sat down and also slowly placed his forehead on my shoulder

"I fell so guilty" There was still a face to say in a low voice. I shook my head and pushed the person who was leaning on me to move a bit. Even though i usually get used to getting the skin ship that Ai Choco has done all over the time of us staying together. But the feeling that just got caught my heart from his words just now has not disappeared. So,during this time,you must not bring your body close to me until my heart beats calmly "Then let's go find something to eat at JJ Green?"

"Errr...I haven't been there long time ago" When i go to JJ Green,i usually go alone. It is close to home,even driving there may take less than ten minutes.. "Take my bike to go there na"

"Follow that"

"Wait,i'll the one who ride the bike.Your face is till very tight"

"But it has begun to recover" I shook my head and knocked on the head of the person who said he stared to recover

"You go wash your face first.I'll go pick up the key and my phone" I said,ran up to the house,picked up the cellphone,picked up the car key and walked down with a small towel and handed it to the person that had just finished washing his face

"Lost drunk"

"Huh,you face like that..Would i believe it?"

"I'll let you smell it then.."

"Sniffing what? Go to the bike then " suddenly hated this sentence. Because of this one word,the red mark on the neck was still outstanding and it was not likely to disappear within three or four days

"Will there be a police?" I am deciding whether to wear a helmet or not. Actually,i didn't mind to wear helmet but like most teenagers nowadays,i think wearing helmet is annoying even though doing it is a mistake

"I shouldn't have but bring it just in case.. It should be better"

"I don't want to wear it"

"If you don't want to put it on,i'll be the one who ride it" Ai Choco pulled a helmet over his head and walked across the parked motorcyle. He acted as if he was the want that gonna bring me ride the bike

"Hey Choco..you was drunk.."

"Recovered" he said as he moved his face down near me and blown out the air gently. The breath of peppermint indicates that he either ate candy or chewed gum

"..." i was silent because i wasn't sure if i should risk my life on him

"Believe me,bring the key"

"Are you sure that you won't take me to death?"

"Million percent"

"Well,fine" i nodded and agreed to hand over the key

The atmosphere of Bangkok at night is still the same. A city known as city that never sleeps is till beyond its definition. I can't remember how ling it has beeb since i hadn't come out to ride a motorcycle with Ai Choco. Last time,it should be when we're still in Grade 10

"Think of the old atmosphere when you and i were ride bike out in the middle of high school" i told him while moving my face and putting it on his shoulder. Remember that i like to do it when we are talking to each other on bike. I sat like this

"How long has it been?"

"It's been a long time na..I remember when i went home..Your parents hit both of us. Even though i am a kid of their neighbor but they hit me like i am their son"

"It's been a while since they looked at you as their daughter-in-law..Don't you know?"

"Satt..Enough,stop playing" cursed him while knocked on his helmet as well

"But my mom and dad miss you a lot na Mel..They want you to go to Chiang Mai. When knowing that i met you,they gave us a lot of food"

"I miss them..." Ai Choco mom and dad are like my second parents. They raised me like another child of them


While riding,Ai Choco phone suddenly rang

"Mel,pick up the phone call" He picked up the phone from his pocket and sent it to me. "Who called?"

"Shia Jai"

"Oh,pick it up"

"Hello Jai"

(It it you,Mel? Where's Choco?"

"He is riding..What do you want?"

(Why can't i call your husband?)

"Husband your ass..Did i just ask for it? But what do you want?"

(What do i want? Just called him to tell him that he forgot to take the tower key. But where are you? Where did you ride to?)

"We're going to eat at JJ Green"

(Hey,I accidentally went ro that area. The elser whom i know to open a liquor store in JJ Green..It's turn to be like this,let's meet at the store?)

"Can we? We're not yet old. Plus we just think to come find something to eat like that"

(Who is this krub? Jai Jai..come on and let me send the shop name in the Line group) after finished talking to Ai Jai,he sends the name of the shop mentioned into the Line group. Shia Boy shouted loudly,why not invite him. But shia Jai replied that i'll illuminate the moment just in case. After that,the tease stickers from shia Boy were delivered without delay

"I really hate each of your friends Choco..They're really like to talk anything about you"

"I'm fine with that na..They can do so. Heyyyy..Mel!! I'm riding now"

"Sorry" a moment ago we are about to have an accident..Luckily.it's good that we are riding a bike or else we will end up has crashes into a electric pole

"Almost dead Mel..Don't play like this again. This is not a big car. We're riding a bike"

"I...am sorry" i put my forehead on the shoulder of the person who scolded me just now. Emphasise him to know that i really feel guilty. But not for long,Ai Choco reached out to rub my head. When i looked up,i saw that the bike was stopped at the red light

"It's okayy.. Later,don't do that again"


"Make your face look like a cat"

"No way"

"Err..I'm just kidding..and why sis Jai called me just now?"

"Oh,he made an appointment for us to mee tat his elder a liquor shop that he knows. But the point is,can we get in? Not yet reached age"

"It should be..Ai Jai,he said that he could make us get in there. Am i right?

"If so,show me where is the place" Ai Choco and i didn't continue to talk until we arrived at the JJ Green Market,which the shop that want us to come to was in the middle of the market. So there are quite a lot of people that there is almost no table to sit on. But Ai Jai still managed to get a table for me and Ai Choco

"You guys,this is P'Tao" me and Ai Choxo raised our hands to pay respect to P'Tao,the shopkeeper who walked over to pat me and Choco on the shoulder lightly. He's probably in his early twenties but not over twenty-five,which in my opinion is that he's still very young to have his own store this large.

"Order as you like. This meal,in my treat"

"Hey,can we P'? We're the customer here" I hurriedly protested as soon as P'Tao finished

"Come on..Just treat yourself with rice,not drinking alcoho..Tonight,your friend will be spending here all night" said P'Tao,rubbing his head before walking into the kitchen. I hear the sound of Ai Jai cursed softly but i don't know what to say

"Spend here all night? How can? I'm confused?" i raised my eyebrows. Ai Jai,unlike Ai Choco smiled at the corner of his mouth if he knew something

"Help me,how does he charge? Store items,take orders..The subordinates are sick i have to act instead. But mainly would charge for it"

"Err..but im still considerate Jai"

"P' said,what do you say?"


"Oh believe me. I'm annoyed with your wife Ai Choco..Really want you to kiss him dick"

"All right?"

"All right your ass Choco..No need to watch me like that" i pushed the bastard to turn awau from me

"So,the two of you tease each other first. I'll order some rice for you" Can't watch me make a joke at all. Ai Jai took the pen and the order book from cashier's table. "I want TomYum with plain rice,fried chicken and stir fried vegetables. Four dished should be enough"

"That's a lot dude..consider him"
"Aow,come one. Just do it" He jot down and walked away with the paper before give it the P' that gonna serve the foods. He walked back to our table. Let's take a picture guys. Give us a look shia Boy"

The famous brand mobile was extended to the end of the arm. I moved my face into the frame until my face was almost on Ai Choco shoulder. After taking the photo,Ai Jai bowed down to upload the picture in the Facebook immediately


The sound of my cellphone interrupted. It's Ai Fon was called

"Choco,wait a second. I'll go out and talk on the phone for a while na"'

"Who's calling?"

"It's Fon" I answered then walked outside the shop until I accepted the call "What?.."



(Well,i..i have something to tell you.) The sound of Ai Fon looked weird

(Actually,i'm not aure if it is. But when i think about it,it feels like yes or no and i'll keep do it again. At least,i should have told you first)

"What's the matter?"

( I think Ai Choco might now that i am pretending to be your girlfriend)

"Why do you think so?" asked me,clenching my mouth tightly and turning to look at Ai Choco who's talking to Ai Jai. I don't know what to talk about,but the way they looked at me from time to tume. It was not difficult to guess that they would be gossiping about me

(Well,that day when i went back to the university. Do you remember that you were going to drop me off but P'Tam called me,said that he would be picked up me


(Ai Choco still in the same place standing to buy something. Not sure if he see ne? But i don't know,maybe..I might remember the wrong person)

"But when we waited for the car,didn't he go back already?"
(Yeah,so i might be mistaken)

"But even if i remember correctly,i shouldn't doubt anything. He might be thought that your forgot something and accidentally someone came to picked you up"

"(If so,that's good Mel...because that night,P'Tam came to pick me up..He pulled my hand to kidd me while the car was still bright. Which i don't know if Ai Choco saw that or not)


(But..He probably won't see it. Because when P'Ram turns off the lights in the car,i turned ti look for Ai Choco again and i couldn't find him. Which may have never been there at all. I might have mistaken that was him as u said from the beginning)

I took a breath into my lungs. My feeling now stumbled. Not sure if Ai Choco had caught me or not

"You think that Ai Choco will caught us?"

(I guess not)

"And have you told anyone about this?"

(P'Tam) then i understand why she told this story so that P'Tam could listen. Because P'Tam is the one that Ai Fon likes and flirts with. She doesn't want any misunderstanding between them

(I'm so sorry na woi..But i really need to tell you about this)

"Aou,it's okay.. I understand"

(But anyway Mel,i guess it's better to tell him the true? Tell him that you lied. Because the feeling of being teased or whatever. I think that Ai Choco can understand)

"I don't want to lise my face to him"

("As you like but P' won't wait long)

"Is that you or P'Tam?"

(Err..Me,i hurry haha)

"I'm sorry too na Fon"

"Hey,it's okay Mel. I'm fine,don't think too much) In the end,i told Fon that i will take a look about this first because if Ai Choco really knew,he wouldn't be this motionless. But i still can't trust him,so i take a look at his symptoms either he know or he don't know about this.

"Come to eat dick...you can sit down on my head" Ai Jai cursed me and beckoned to move

"Where did P'Tao? He told to not give me the alcohol? So what is this?"

"Yes,P doesn't serve you a drink because you have to buy it yourself. This one is for Choco"

"Will you able to ride the bike?" I turned to ask the person who was raising the liquor into his mouth

"How do i ride? Iqbsjsveusbajs..." Choco doesn't look good and lightly rubbing his head had give me feel uncomfortable

"Very bad"

"It's up to you. I want to eat"

"Err" i gave up not because i was weak but because i was hungry

"Jai,take eight table orders"

"Oh,i'need to go" Ai Jai got up. He left me and Ai Choco at the table with just teo if us. Actually,i shouldn't feel impressed or excited but this is because my head is still thinking about Fon. Her words were still in my head that Ai Choco might have known about us. Fearing that after all this effort,i will become Ai Choco joke instead



"Did you know anything..."

"What do i know.."

"About me and Ai Fon"

"Why..did you fight with her recently?" I stared at him. Look yo see if there is anything wrong. Until he raised his eyebrows and asked and i gradually became almost seventy percent convinced that he was probably not known

"No,we didn't argue. It was just scared of me being drunk"

"Then just having a Coke" but even though i am almost seventy percent confide t,i want to ask for sure



"The day i went to send Ai Fon,did you already go back to the dormitory?"

"I already going back,why?"

"Are you sure?"

"Err,sure..do tou have anything?" I turned to look at the person who spoke again. See if anything suspicious from Ai Choco? In the end,i shook my head and tell him to say nothing

Now,one hundred percent confident that Ai Choco shouldn't have known that i was lying



JaiJai F5 at the grand free festival definitely had a moment p' nong. Look at your red mark on your neck khun hihi with Choco Teeran and Mel Worawut

Boy recap stronger that me Ai Jai. You did so wellllllllllllll

Oh ho it turn to be like thissssss

If nong Jai doesn't tell me then i wouldn't know aaaaaa

Porpar of Y Aaaaaaaaaaaa when does semester start? This page is definitely ready to joing this couple

Hmmm this pair is very real. No regrets. Following from thr tweet #ช็อคเมล (#ChocoMel)


When i started seeing some weird comments,i hurried back to look at the picture from Ai Jai. And ehat i sae eas the anomaly on his shoulder as Ai Jai really said. And like this,how do i make excuses to them?

"Make a funny face" the man in front poked my cheek untul his head rocked back

"The story about me"

"Are you okay?"

"Look in your phone" Choco picked up his phone and shrugged like he didn't care what they did to me. Hello,Shia Choco. They're talking about the mark tht you did to me. Don't you think to make any excuses?

"It's just a faint mark,it will stop tease by itself"

"Don't bring your reason to defend me right now"

"So tell them,mosquito bites"

"Oh really?"

Mel Worawut What are you saying? It's mosquitoes bite,i don't know anything.

Boy reconfigures Aou? You don't know? If you say mosquitoes bite then i'll be ready to believe hahahahahahah but the mosquitoes in your house looks so big oi

"Oi your ass"

"Did you talk to me?" murmured to myself but the guy beside me heard it

"No,i talked about Ai Boy. The last answer he replied"

"How can i see it now that i didn't hold my phone?" Well,he doesn't really holding his phone. I was surprised that normally Ai Choco will be with his phone. But why did i rarely see it today?

"But you usually have your mobile phone?"

"There is other 'thing' that i want to stick with"


"Really want to know?"

"..."i was silent,not sure if i asked,the impact returned would affect myself it not

"Mel..do you want to know?"

"I don't want to know" i kept my eyes on the phone. Along with Ai Choco who pulled the chair,his severed head moved closer to me

"Is it being with me so boring,Mel?" These words are familiar


"I don't like it"


"It felt like i was insignificant or boring like that" Now,it's like i'm going back in the time at the night of out university reception where the person who said all the previous sentences changed from me to Choco

"Just enough,Choco" i raised one hand to cover my face to avoid Ai Choco looking at me. The mobile ohone is as upside down against the table from the first sentence he spoke. But some feelings from Ai Choco still sent directly to ne. In the end,always pretending to go to lived band in front of me ti hide the heat on my face. But the more i try,the more likely the result is to be the opposite of what i have tried

"I just want you to pay attention to me..."


"Can you do that?" I was silent,not looking at him. Until Ai Choco touched my chin to look at him,"can you?"

"No" answered loudly and cleared until Ai Choco smile fell out

"You're so mean krub"

"Oh? I am a mean person. Don't you know?"

"Are you sure you are the worst...maybe..you may not be the worst,Mel...dek noy (little boy)..." really hatrd the word that 'little boy" came out from his mouth

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