°{i'm sorry}°

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"I'm so sorry.

Im sorry for not giving it my all.
Im sorry for not meeting your expectations.
Im sorry for being stubborn.

Im so sorry for being so clumsy to the point where I make mistakes and the next thing you know, were back to square one.

Im sorry for being such a burden to you.
I'm sorry that you have to put up with me.
I'm sorry for not being perfect

I'm so sorry for ruining everything because I'm not you. No matter how much I want to, I can never be you.

I'm sorry for even writing this down.
Im sorry if you're reading this silently.
Im sorry for setting up a bad day for you.

I'm so sorry for getting you so angry to the point where I wish I was dead.

I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry."

~ yours truly,


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