Chapter 13: Wake Up Call

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"Well that was a fun evening"  Connor said as he opened my door for me. 

"Indeed it was" I stated and walked inside. My house looked different, it sort of looked different but I couldn't place it. I sat down on the couch and Connor sat right next to me. I snuggled up next to him and he placed his arm around me protectivelty.  I then felt him lean down and kiss my forehead. I smiled and looked up but it wasn't Connor it was Kian with a big smile on his face. I was confused and stood up taking a few steps back. 

"w-what... How could I be.. If I'm right here?" I was even more confused then I was sitting down. I was standing up staring at myself and Kian on the couch. I sat up right and he placed his hand on my cheek. I placed my hand on his and kissed his palm. He then took my hand and proceeded to kiss up my arm. That's when I began to panick. This wasn't right.

'This isn't Connor' I thought to myself. "Chloe That's not Connor!" I shouted at the me that was on the couch. It didn't seem to help. I was still sitting there giggling as his kisses began to lead up my neck. I looked at me and then at Kian and was completely shocked. It wasn't Kian anymore but was Connor I stared at him and couldn't believe my eyes. everytime he kissed me he would change. Connor to Kian, Kian to Connor and so on. I was dumbfounded. 

"Well aren't you going to do something?" 

I looked at myself and she was staring right back at me, Kian/Connor still kissing all over my body. "Wh-what?" I stuttered at myself.

"Do something, this is your dream" She said focusing her attention back to the man who was now Connor. 

'I'm so stupid' I thought to myself and covered my face with my hand.

"That you are" the other me stated and laughed. 

"Shut up" I said rolling my eyes and glaring at myself. "wait what am I still doing here?" 

"Good question. You need a wake up call, Literally." 

"I don't want to here anymore from you" I said and I began to wake myself up. 

I woke up to Wishbone curled up next to me licking my face. 'That would explain the kisses' I stated petting Wishbone who began to lick my hand. I yawned and looked at the clock. 3:12 A.M. I laid my head back down on the pillow and began to drift off to sleep again.


 I woke up to a loud horn screeching in my ears and I throw a pillow at the direction it came. 

"Wake up sleeping beauty" Jc shouted over the horn. I yawned and kicked the blackets off  and the horn ceased its loudness. " Get up! Get Up! GET UP!" Kian wailed as he pounced on the bed like a cat  and began to jump up and down. 

"Fine" I groaned and curled into a ball, my body bouncing around. " Just  five more minutes."

"You said that twenty minutes ago."

I grumbled not wanting to move from the bed. Matter of fact, how did I get in the bed again? I must have fell asleep in the car and Connor must have brought me up here. 

"So, let's get up out of bed sleepy head" Jc said as he grabbed one of my feet and began to pull me off the bed. 

"Guys, I said wake her up not the whole neighborhood." Connor said and my eyes shot open. 

"The neighborhood is probalbly already awake." Jc said with a smirk. 

Connor walked over to the bed. " Ready to get up, sunshine?" he said in a low voice as he crouched by the bed. 

"Sunshine? She looks like death!" Kian laughed and I kicked him which made him fall off the bed. "Ouch" he said standing up next to Jc. 

"I'm ready to get up now."  I laughed and sat up right. 

"Well, We will be downstairs waiting for your lazy ass" Kian said shoving Jc out the door. "Hey Ricky! Where are the scissors?" Kian shouted as he and Jc walked down the steps. 

I rolled my eyes and focused my attention back to Connor's lovely face. His eyes were sparkling from the sun peaking through the window. "How did you sleep?" He asked sitting on the bed next to me.

" Great" I lied and gave him a quick hug. "Thank you for carrying me up here again. I promise next time I will be awake to put myself to sleep...If that makes sense."  I said looking down at my hands.

He chuckled. " Don't thank me. Thank Kian. I fell asleep just after you did and he brought you up here." 

"Oh, I'll be sure to thank him."  I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back and that made me smile even wider. 

"What?" he said chuckling.

"Nothing" I giggled. "You just have a contagous smile."

"Should I go get that checked out then?" He said covering his mouth.

I shoved him. "No" 

"Oww, Kian that hurt!" Ricky yelled from downstairs. I could here Kian begin to laugh hysterically.

"I should probably go down there and make sure no one is dying" He sighed and got up. "I'll see you down there" he said walking out the door. He stopped in the doorway and turned around to face me.

"Yes?" I asked smiling at him.

"Nothing, I'll see out down stairs" e said blushing.

"That you will" I said and he walked out of the room.



Well that was an awkward dream.

I hope you guys liked it sorry if it was low quality. I'm really trying.

Love you all



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