chapter 17: The Park ( 1/2)

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I slowly stuck my head out the door trying not to be seen by Stormy. Even though it was a full moon, you couldn't see anything because of the clouds. I turned my head to the right. Two chairs and a table. I then turned my head to the right and spotted two figures. More like one huge figure. Stormy and the guy she was talking to were having full mouth on mouth action. I didn't want to be rude and interrupt so I decided I was going to leave them alone.

As I was sticking my head back inside the moon decided to come out from behind the clouds and I could see clearly. I Decided to see who had won the courtesy of being Stormy's late night lover. I quickly glanced in their direction being sure that they wouldn't notice me. Messy dirty-blonde hair, a nice shirt, kind of looks like the one Connor was wearing, then my eyes when wide. In fact that looks a lot like Connor. I felt like my heart has been ripped out of my chest and thrown off of the balcony. I quickly slid the door closed and walked downstairs. I felt the tears stinging in my eyes and I tried to hold them back as much as I could. 

That might not have been him I thought trying to calm myself down. Just somebody who looks similar to him, maybe he has a twin brother he never told me about. I just need to think about this for a minute. Leave for a bit. Parties aren't really my thing anyway. 

As I tried not having a mental breakdown, I descended the steps tripping over a few disowned empty beer cans and feet loitering about, and rolled the rest of the way down the steps. There were a few laughs among the people and sweaty hands trying to help me up. I just shoved them off. I got up and went to the counter and grabbed a huge bottle of Smirnoff. I then looked around to see if I could score a ride.

"Kian" I shouted when I saw him by the door way. He waved at me and I briskly walked over to him watching for any feet that could potentially cause a threat. 

"Hey Chloe, how's it going?" He asked taking a drink from his cup. 

"Um about that favor you owe me." My voice began to crack a little and I quickly cleared my throat. " I was wondering if you could drive me somewhere." and I plastered on a fake smile.

"Well call me your designated driver" He said putting down his cup and taking his keys out of his pocket.

Ten minutes later we were in the car and down the street. "So where is it that you want to go?" He asked looking at me for a second then back on the road. 

"Is there a park near here?" I asked taking a gulp from the bottle. 

A few minutes later, he took a right into a parking lot and turned the key off.  I read a sign that simply said "Park." In front of us I could see a jungle gym, a teeter totter, a little walking trail and a set of swings.

"Thank you" I said opening the door. Kian then opened his too. "You can go back to the party now, I just needed to leave for a while."

I looked at him curiously as he closed his door and walked over to where I was standing. " I know, I kind of needed some air too." He looked at me glumly. "Andrea is there."


 We walked to the swings in silence. You could here a few night birds chirping and the breeze in the trees. It sounded peaceful. I took another drink.

I sat down in one swing and Kian in the other and we just swung there for a short time then Kian spoke.  "So what made you want to drink a whole bottle of Smirnoff?"

" I don't want to talk about it." I took another drink. " I just want to get drunk and not remember a thing."

"Well if you are going to get drunk, this bottle is not going to get you anywhere." He said looking at the half empty bottle I was holding in my hands.

Falling For You   ~Kian Lawley FanFic~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt