Dueom 2 cont.

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As the old woman walked towards me, I began to notice she was not wearing anything to protect her feet. She walked bare feet. She wore a worn out and tattered skirt and a muddy upper garment which I could not put into any words. It was unusual. As she neared me and as I looked into her face, I tell you, I got so scared I was not able to move. She was a decrepit of a woman. It's as if she died and reanimated again. 

A zombie, I should say. Her eyes when I looked at her just wanted to consume me. If looks could kill, she could have. I also saw her salivating.
I could not move from where I was standing. Good thing I had a damn stick which I instinctively held tight. Thoughts ran through my mind.

I began to think of my life before this happened.

Shit. I had no life. I was a juvenile delinquent. My parents got separated and divorced. The court ordered that I live with my mother but eventually she put me into an orphanage when I was 12. I was adopted by two gay people who raised me as their own. But life was harsh. My mamu and papu died in a car crash and again I was alone. Had to do three jobs a day just to live. Had to apply for a student loan in order that I could finish my studies. And now, I have to face this kind of an old woman? 

Where the hell is sam? I muttered to myself.

The old woman walked incredibly fast because the moment I snapped back into my senses she was already a meter in front of me. She uttered gibberish words which I could not understand.

Come! Come! She said gesturing me her hands.
I held on tight to the branch, the only thing I could defend myself.
I'm sorry but I don't understand you. Who are you? I retorted.
I know I'm much stronger than the old woman but somehow her presence just scared me. I just wanted to go home.

Hihihihihihihi mikha, silly silly mikha. Was all that I could understand from what she was saying.

Move away old woman. I'm sorry but I'm scared. You just back away. I told her.

She smiled the most sinister way possible. At this moment, all I could think of was this night would be the last of me.

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