Chapter 2: Middle School

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In this chapter underlined italics mean you're dreaming.
And just italics are thoughts
Also, I hate having to try to fix my first and third-person POV thing so I'm going to just do me and not do any because ya girl is tired. Also, skip a part at the right after you get home because there is a trigger warning.⚠️

(y/n) POV

(5 years old)
I and my family were on Vacation to America, i got to see all the amazing landmarks and historical sites which I have heard about! I was so excited to see them in person! I was a history freak, I love history! It holds so many precious memories and lessons!

At this moment you were seeing the Statue of Liberty which you read that it was made as a peace thingy from France which was soooo cool! I can't believe I am here right now!

I look up to my mommy who was on my right side. "LOOK, MOMMY! SEALS!!" I have never seen seals before and man did they look weird but in a good way!

My mother looks at me with a gentle smile and joy in her eyes. "Yes (n/n), seals are beautiful creatures that live in the ocean."

(Y/n) looks at her mother and asks "the water that the boats on is part of the ocean???" I tilt my head looking for an answer.

Your mother shakes her head to confirm what you said, just at that moment your eyes light up, and you squeal with happiness because you LOVE the oce--

*Beep!* *Beep!* *Beep*

I shot up from the bed and smash the (f/c) alarm clock that was next to your bed. I rub my eyes as your vision gets back in focus.

I see the broken clock and sigh. "Well, there goes another one" my voice was raspy and sore from crying the night before. Nothing unusual, just part of the daily routine.

I grab my phone and check the time and realize that I'm almost 20 minutes behind schedule! "SHOOT!"

I rush out of bed and get on your school uniform, I really quickly brushing my hair then right after, brush my teeth and did you're 'concealer' pretty shitty but it'll due. I run to grab my shoes and almost trips trying to get them on and hurry at the same time. I finally grab your backpack by the door and my jacket because you get cold easily.

I quickly run to the train station because taking the bus to the station would be too slow. I managed to get to the station 30 seconds before the train left!

The train was jam-packed like it usually was, but today was different... I felt like I was being watched... I slightly turn my head around and I see a brown-haired male, probably around seventeen or so, around his last year of high school it looks like because he was also wearing a school uniform, not from my school either. But he was starring at my.... 'Back' area...

I keep an eye on the male but don't do anything to engage with him even though I was super uncomfortable.

It was finally my stop and I got off to see a pink-haired female who was waving her hand up through people to signal that she was there.

Mina! She's been my best friend forever! I had to move temporarily for .... Reasons but I'm back and have been for the past year and a half now.

I wave back to her, "Hey Mina!"

"(Y/N)!" She exclaimed. "I missed you!"

I roll my eyes, "I literally saw you yesterday." I giggle at Mina.

She has such infectious happiness, she has been such a light in my life and I'm blessed to have someone in my life such as her.

Mina pretends to look offended as we walk a couple of blocks to the school.

Snow (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now