Part two

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"This is gonna be a problem." Luther and Diego sighed.

"Uh excuse me young protagonist stereotype redhead?" Klaus asked.

"What?" She laughed.

"Ugh." Klaus sighed turning to a corner with no one there.

"What are you looking at?" Richie asked.

"The cameras-oh nevermind." Klaus sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Why are you wearing school uniforms?" Richie asked poking at Five's uniform.

"You touch me again and I'll rip your face off." Five moved away from him.

"Fair enough." Richie shrugged and poked him again.

Diego ran over to them before Five had the chance.

"There will be no face rippings today." He told them both.

"Can you two please just chill out?" Klaus asked giggling.

"Oh I've gotta go see you guys." Beverly waved.

"W-Wait w-w-we might b-be going to the q-q-q-q-uarry tomorrow if you want to come." Bill offered.

"Sure I'll see." She smiled then left.

"Oh god next you're gonna be holding her on a ship then it's gonna hit an iceberg and sink." Five gagged.

"Oh I've heard of that it's the Titanic-" Ben started

"Yeah yeah shut up there can only be one smart person here and that's me." Five crossed his arms.

Vanya fainted again.

"Oh no guys she fainted again I can take her back to my place we have-" Stan started.

"Wait a tick wait a tick you wanna bring her to back to your house do you know how wrong that sounds, Timothy?"

"Stanley." Stan corrected.

"Yeah I don't give a shit Harry." Klaus shushed him.

"Klaus chill Stan can't make a sentence correctly and you're worried he's gonna rape you're sister I'd be more worried about Richie doing that." Eddie said quickly.

"Nah he's gay." Klaus giggled quietly.

"What?" They all said.

"What what I didn't say anything." Klaus smirked holding his hands up.

"Shit dude you have tattoos?!" Richie grabbed his hands.

"Oh yeah forgot about those." Klaus giggled.

"Dude how'd you do it?!" Richie asked.

"I just vaguely sauntered to a tattooing shop." Klaus shrugged.

"I've got a good question where in the hell are we gonna stay?" Diego asked.

"How about my house-" Stan started.

Vanya groaned. "Stan?" She asked.

"Geez you think she'd ask for one of her  brothers or sister first." Five sighed.

Vanya threw up again.

"Oh god oh god she's throwing up someone pass my my second fanny pack I've got Advil in there GO GO GO GO!" Eddie pushes Luther to the fanny pack.

"Why do you have TWO fanny packs?" Klaus asked.

Eddie just glared at him.

Klaus got the second fanny pack and gave it to him.

She threw up once again.

Stan gave her two Advil and she swallowed it before passing out again.

"I'm taking her back to my house you guys can come if you want to or you can sit here and complain." He picked her up then lay her on his bike and she lazily wrapped her arms around his waist doing it subconsciously.

"Fine." All of the siblings grumbled.

"Bye Bill Bye Eddie Bye Rich." Stan waved.

"Now Stan don't forget to use protection-" Richie started.

"Beep Beep Richie." They all said in unison rolling their eyes.

Eventually they all arrived at Stan's house.

"We have a spare bedroom over here Ben can you stay with her?" Stan asked.

Ben nodded then Stan lay Vanya on the bed and went to get a blanket.

Then suddenly two adults cane around the corner looking at the seven children.

They paused a moment before both screaming "STANLEY URIS!" Making everyone flinch.

"Shit." Stan cursed under his breath.

"erm Yes mom? Yes dad?" Stan asked.

"Why are there seven school children just sitting in the guest bedroom!" The mother screamed.

"Uh Vanya had passed out and these are her siblings." He explained.

"She's her sibling?" The father asked pointing to Allison.

Five stood up at this comment and Diego jumped up grabbing him back.

"Five it's the 1980's people weren't as flexible." Diego whispered calming him down.

Five grumbled before sitting down and crossed his arms.

"Adopted." Allison smiled a faker smile then Five could ever do.

"Well what made her faint?" The dad asked.

"Too much sun." Five explained.

The dad nodded then left with the mom mumbling.

"Hey do your parents do drugs?" Klaus asked.

"No do you?" Stan asked jokingly.

"Just a little tiny bit." Klaus giggled and Stan looked at him surprised.

"UGHHHHH I'M SOBER AND I'M DYING." Klaus yelled and accidentally knocked over a vase.

Five within an instinct Spacial Jumped and grabbed the vase.

"Shit." He cussed.

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