Part three

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"YOU JUST-JUST-" Stan was at a loss for words.

"No uh this is all a dream whooooooooooooooooooo go the fuck to sleep." Klaus pointed to the bed.

"Allison rumour him to go to sleep and think this is a dream!" Diego whispered.

"I heard a rumour that-" Allison started before Richie burst through the door.

"I hate it when this happens!" Klaus complained.

"Oh hi guys hi Stan how's Vanya?" He asked out of breath with a screaming Eddie after him.

"She's okay what about you?" Luther asked as Eddie started yelling at Richie for something.

"He-He Just teleported!" Stan pointed to Five.

"No no no I didn't!" Five places the vase down and accidentally teleported over to Stan.

"WOAH DUDE YOU JUST-" Richie pointed to Five all the other losers staring in shock.

"Shit shit." Klaus sighed and flopped on the end next to Vanya.

"Do you all have-have-have-" Eddie couldn't make a sentence.

"Yes." Luther nodded.

"LUTHER!" They all screamed.

"What? They had me cornered!" Luther tried to play the victim.

"Well show us then." Richie urged.

"P-Pl-Pl-Please?" Bill pleaded.

"No no no no-" Five started.

"I see dead people." Klaus interrupted laughing.

"Woah dude is it cool?!" Richie smirked.

"No it's terrible and horrifying." Klaus shrugged.

"C-C-C-Can you see G—Georgie?" Bill asked.

"No I can't just call people up like it's a telephone whom do you think I am Apple?" Klaus hissed.

"Apple?" They all said.

"Your future my past." Klaus said laughing a bit.

"What's your power?" They all crowded around Diego.

"Uh-" He started.

"He can throw things with perfect accuracy." Luther interrupted.

"And she can manipulate people." He pointed to Allison.

"And Ben has tentacles." He pointed to Ben.

"And I'm super strong." He pointed to himself.

"And Five can teleport and time travel." He pointed to Five who was absolutely done trying to stop him.

"And Vanya has world destroying powers so don't piss her off." He smiled.

"WOAHHHHHHH!" They all said in unison.

"Alright interviews over out! Out" Five pushes them out.

"WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING LUTHER?!" He yelled making everyone flinch.

"They needed to know at some point!" Luther defended.

"I'm with Luther." Allison agreed.

"Really I wouldn't have guessed." Diego huffed getting a glare back from her.

"And Klaus you're no better!" Five pointed to Klaus.

"Vanya could've been dead or seriously hurt and what do you do TELL THEM WE HAVE POWERS!!" Five pointed to Vanya then Luther.

"Well....." Klaus interjected.

"Luther is kinda right." Five look at Klaus astonished.

"Because there's way too many dead people that died really young to be normal." Klaus gulped.

Short chapter sorry! But thank you for almost a hundred reads that mean's so much to me!

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