My hero

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Aj's POV

I wake up and see Dean walking in the shower and I get out of bed and walk in the bathroom

Aj:Hey baby

Dean:Hey Aj

Dean turns the water on and steps in the shower and I sit on the counter

Aj:How was your run?

Dean:It was fine I rolled my ankle though

Aj:I can wrap it when you get out

Dean:No it's fine

Aj:Oh okay

Is he upset with me because I'm not FUCKING PREGNANT



Aj:I'm gonna go out with the girls okay?

Dean:Let me know you're safe when you get there

Aj:Ok I love you

Dean:Love you too

Where's the "I" he always say I love you

I brush away my thoughts and put a fresh pair of sweatpants on and my chucks and leave the house and call Celeste

A:(Voice cracking)Can we go get lunch
C:Yeah meet me at the bakery

I hang up the phone and drive to the bakery and wait for Celeste to pull up

15 minutes later

Celeste walks inside the bakery with 2 cups of coffee and sits across from me

Celeste:First I'm glad we got to see each other before you got back on the road second what happened was it Jon?

Aj:Jon and I had a pregnancy scare and when he found out I wasn't having his kid he got so distant and nonchalant with me he's never been like that even when it was just sex

Celeste:It's clear he wants babies with you

Aj:I'm at the reset of my career I just got back and he wants me to leave again for kids I can't do that

Celeste:Did you ever think about kids with him?

Aj:No why would I

Celeste:I don't know because he's your man and you love him

Aj:I understand that but that takes me back to the previous statement I just got back to the WWE if I do this I have to sacrifice my belt and once I do that I'm right back where I started

Celeste:April you may not know this but Jon sacrificed for you

Aj:What are you talking about?

Celeste:When you and Jon first started dating and going out in public Hunter and Vince and everyone else with their head up their ass thought it was a bad business move they told Jon to keep you private and at all costs not to leave any arenas with you he refused and they told him he wouldn't have a shot at the world heavyweight title again

Aj:That's so dumb why would he do that?

Celeste:Because you mattered more

Aj:How'd you hear that

Celeste:Joe told me

Aj:I don't know I know I love him he's a great guy I just don't know if I can put my life on hold for that yet

Celeste:Don't think of it as putting your life on hold Aj think of it as you and Jon creating life you take half of yourselves and put it into a life a child. That doesn't sound the least bit of appealing?

Aj:It does just not yet

Celeste:Do you think he's husband and father worthy?

Aj:I do

Celeste:All I'm saying this don't rule out just everything yet and give Jon some time it's clear to see he was looking forward to having kids with you

Aj:I know I'm glad we talked

Celeste:Me too

Celeste and I catch up for hours and soon I realize I have to get to work

Aj:I'll text you

Celeste:Okay let me know next time your down here

Aj:I will

Celeste and I part ways and I drive off to the arena and I see Dean and Joe talking and I just walk past them with that knot feeling in my throat


Dean jogs up to me and I stop in my tracks and he grabs my wrist


Aj:Hi Jon

Dean:You didn't come back to the house I put your stuff in my locker room

Aj:Thanks. How's your ankle?

Dean:It's better I just iced it


Dean:I wanted to give you something and I know these past weeks have been rough for us as a whole but I do love you and I want to move forward so here

Dean hands me a box and I look at him confused

Dean:Open it like now

I open the box take out the tissue paper and reveal I key and I chuckle

Aj:What's this too?

Dean:It's a key to my house


Dean:Shush I love you and I want to give you a lot of things this can be the beginning of it

I look up at Dean and wrap my arms around him and he wraps his arms around my waist tightly

Dean:I love you

Aj:I love you too

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