Jon Moxley

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Dean's POV

Tonight is the last night of my contract I can't wait to start over

Dasha:Hey stranger

Dean:Hey beautiful

This is my girlfriend Dasha I met her after a meeting with Cody she kinda looks like Aj if ya squint your eyes and ya know tilt your head

Dean:What are you doing here?

Dasha:I had to come see my man's last match in this hellhole

Dean:That's sweet of you

Joe:Hey bro!

Dean:Hey man

Joe:You gotta see this

Dean:I'll be right back stay here

I walk out the locker room and walk down the hall behind Joe and I see a banner that says "so long Jon" and a cake

Dean:Who's idea was this?

Paige:Aj's. She called in a few favors and had everything set up before anybody got here

Dean:Is she here?

Joe:No clue

Dean: I'm gonna go see if she'e around

I walk to the girl's locker rooms and I see Aj and Alexa talking


Alexa:I'll give you a second alone

Alexa walks out the door and brushes past me and Aj stands up and I see her wrapped ribs under her shirt

Dean:You did all that

Aj:Yeah kind of a thanks for everything

I step closer to Aj and I put my hands on her face and she rests her hands on my shoulder

Dean:Thank you

Aj:It was no—

I grab Aj's face and kiss her and she steps away and I pull her into another kiss

Dean:I miss you

Aj:I'm sorry

Dean:Just shut up

I take Aj's shirt off and she jumps on me and wraps her arms around my waist and I sit on the couch not breaking the kiss



Aj:I love you I never stopped

Dean:I love you too

Aj takes her skirt off and I take my pants off and kiss Aj's neck and she groans


Aj sits up and grabs her skirt and her shirt and I lift my pants up and grab my shirt

Aj:I gotta go

Dean:You can't stay for my match?

Aj:No Jon


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