The Fuck Bitch!

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Legacy's P.O.V

At Lunch:

Once I finally got out of Chemistry me and Hannah went to our lockers and put our stuff away then we went runnig toward the cafateria, once we got there Hannah went to get our food while I went to look for a table. I saw Garret looking at me, it creeped me the fuck out once he saw that I noticed him staring at me he looked away.

I found a table and after a few minutes Hannah returned with our food, she sat down and gave me my food and we started to eat.

Once we start to eat I see the new girl she is in all of my morning classes I think her name was Jeniffer Idk but Hannah saw her to and I said lets invite her to sit with us so Hannah being Hannah calls her over by yelling: "Hey new girl com sit with us!" after she said that the new girl looked behind her and then looked at us and she pointed to herself asking us if it was to her. I yelled " Yes You, come here!".

Once she was sure it was to her she came up to us and said: "Hi my name is Jeniffer!"

"Well hi Jeniffer I'm Legacy and thats Hannah." I said, Hannah answered with a sup.

Once she sat dow we started to eat we found some stuff about her like her favorite color is yellow and she loves pop music and that she plays volleyball.

After a few minutes Hannah is about to say something to me but is interrupted by a loud shriek, everyone looked to see where the noise came from and it was none other than Grace with her faced covered in ranch dressing. Did I forget to mention me and Hannah put a ranch dressing bomb to go off in her purse at lunch time?

Everyone in the cafateria was laughing at this. When Grace looked up and saw me almost crying because of how funny she looked, she came up to our table.

"You bitch you did this didn't you?" Grace asked me

"No I didn't Gracie I really don't know how that happend, but atleast I know where my ranch dressing bomb went." I said calmly after my laughing died down.

"Yes you did you bitch!" She said

As I was about to answer Hannah answerd for me

"If she said she didn't do it, it means she didn't do it!" Hannah told her

"Whatever go cut yourself, you little emo freak, no one wants you here!" Grace said looking derectly at Hannah

"Actually your wrong Grace, I want her here so if you would kindly do me the favor and leave us alone I would be happy, because right now I don't want to see your face filled with ranch dressing, actually I don't want to see you at all so just GO!" I yelled in her face

After I said that I felt a sting in my right cheek and I knew that she slapped me.

"What are you gonna do now little emo freak gonna go and kill yourself because I would happily give you the rope to do so." Grace said getting in my face.

"No I won't do that but I will do this." After I said that I retracted my fist and pucnhed her hard enough to hear the crunch of her nose breaking.

And after I did that Micah came up to me and pushed me to the ground and said...

"What The Fuck Is Wrong With You, You have no right to punch her!" He said to me

"Actually Micah I have every right to punch her you know it, I know it, she knows it Hell the whole school know it so that start with that bullshit." I yelled in his face. As this was happening no one moved or said anything.

Everyone was quiet that was until Principal Monroe came in and saw that Grace had bloody nose, I had bloody knuckels and Micah was standing on top of me with a beat red face.

"What is going on here?!" She asked

Grace ran over to Rat face Monroe and told her complete and utter bullshit.

"Mrs.Monroe Legacy just attacked me I asked her nicely if she was the one that put a ranch bomb in my purse, but she lost her temper and att-". She didn't get to finish because me and Hannah ran over there to tell her the truth.

"Actually Mrs. Monroe she is lying and anyone here can tell you that." Hannah said to Rat Face.

"And do you think I would belive you Mrs.Taylor you are one of the best liars in the school both you and Legacy are the biggest trouble makers here so I think I will belive Grace's story." She said looking me directly.

"Both of you to my office NOW!" She yelled

And we did what she said, so now we are in her office getting yelled at and I tuned it completly out but that was until I heard those 3 words I never wanted to hear in my entire life.

You Are Suspended!


Hey guys sorry for taking so long in updating but I have had writers block plus I had finals from friday until wensday so yeah.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter.






Luv Ya.


--------------------------------------------------------------> Garret a.k.a Francisco Lachowski

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