Pan!c Attack!

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Legacy's P.O.V:

After getting told we were suspended for 2 weeks. We left the office and that is when I started to freak out. I started to have a fuck!ng Pan!c Attack! Hannah noticed I was having a pan!c attack and took me to the nurse. When we got there Hannah opended the door and inside was Grace, Micah, Garret, and Grace's mini me. The nurses was cheking Grace's nose to see if it was broken or not.

They didn't notice we where there unil I accidently pulled on Hannah's hair making her yelp in pain.

" What The Fuck, Legacy that really hurt!" Hannah said hissing in pain.

" What are you girls doing here ?" Nurse Carol asked us.

" Carol, Legacy's having a panic attack." Hannah told her.

" Oh god sit her down and I'll be right back because I need to get ice for Grace's swollen nose." She said.

" Aw, so that means I didn't break it, its just swollen." I said then pouted like a 3 year old.

" Legacy you did that to Grace?" Carol asked me.

"Maybe I did, Maybe I didn't. You never know with me." I said

After I said that Carol rolled her eyes and left to go get the ice. " So what's wrong with the freak?" Micah asked.

" None of your buissnes asswipe!" Hannah told him.

" Hannah whats wrong with Legacy?" Garret asked Hannah nicely.

" She's having a pan!c attack because Rat Face told us how long we are suspended for and it's gonna get worse with her asthma." Hannah told him.

" Hannah I need my inhaler I can't breath." I told her.

" Where is it Legacy?" She asked me.

" My inhaler is in my loker next to my notebooks." I told her.

" Ok I'll be right back. Garret watch her and make sure she is breathing properly.

" Legacy are you ok?" Garret asked me, but I didn't get to answer because Grace interrupted me.

" Of course she's fine Garret she's problably just faking to get attention." She said while glaring at me.

" Actually Grace she isn't faking this only happens when Legacy is scared or nervous about something and is worst because she has asthma." Carol said coming back from getting ice for Grace and Hannah came in at the same moment with my inhaler. After Carol said that Grace kept quite.

Once I calmed down and gave myself 2 pumps from my inhaler me and Hannah left to the park to get ready for 2 weeks of no school. 

( A/N: Hannah knows about Legacy's father.)

" Hannah I don't know what to do. I can't tell my dad I got suspended lord only knws what he will do to me when he finds out. And I can't spend 2 weeks at home." I said freaking out.

" I got an idea, how about you stay at my place for these 2 weeks?" She said.

" Do you think our parents will let me?" I asked her unsure. " Yes they will, they love you Legacy" She told me.

" Ok, but what do I say to my dad I can't just go up to him and be like, Hey dad, I got suspended for 2 weeks for punching a girl in the face and I'm going to spend does 2 week staying over at Hannah's house. Ok I'll see you in 2 weeks." I told her sarcasticly 

" Yeah that sounds good or you could write a note saying that we have to do a project together and its gonna take 2 weeks to complete it and that you are going to stay over at my place so we can get the work done easier." She said.

" That sounds alot better than my idea." I told her. 

" Lets go & get your stuff the head to my house and tell my parents what happend." She told me.



Hey guys sorry if its short but the next chapter is gonna be Andy's P.O.V.

---------------------------------------------------------------------> Hayden Panettiere a.k.a Grace

Listening to Reincarnate- Motionless In White _________________________>

I hope you like it!!




Twerk like Miley Cyrus!!


Britt Corn

:) ;)

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