(21) Friends Forever

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Chapter 21:

I got home and got straight in the bath. When I got out it was exactly 3:30pm. I only had 30 minutes to find a fighting/sexy outfit. Ok, I won't lie to you. It's mainly for Lucas. Don't blame me! The last thing he said to me was "I love you". Plus, I don't want him seeing me in rags!

I rummage through all the clothes I had abandoned on the floor. At last I find something I'm proud to be seen in. I put my short sleeved black top on, and my favourite pair of jeggings. I put my hair into a ponytail and slap on a bit of eyeliner and mascara. I do my last touches, attach my toolbelt to my waist and put on my ultimate favourite converses. It's exactly 4pm and I'm ready to go fight some vampire slayers butt. I practise my fly kicks and punches in the mirror. I'm ready and raring to go.

Sadly, I've got no transport. Bus would take forever. I'm too broke to take a taxi. The only thing I could take is my mum's car and I can't even drive. Oh well, I guess I'm taking the car.

The things I'll do for family.

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