Yin Fen - Raphael Santiago

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My name is Y/N I been a shadowhunter for years and I built a good reputation with the Downworlders, actually one of my best friends, beside my parabatai Isabelle, is Raphael a vampire who I also have a crush for and right now I'm laying on my bed thinking about him. "Should I call him?" I think to myself. "I need to talk to Izzy." I think again getting up and leave my bedroom going to find Izzy, taking my time doing it.

"Y/N!" I hear and I look behind me and see just the person I wanted. "Hey Izzy! Hi Clary!" I say smiling to the two girls. "Do you have time? I need to talk about something." I ask Izzy. "Not right now, we have a mission! Actually would you like to come with us?" She asks loving the idea. "I can't...."I say sad putting my hand on my back. "Still hurting?" Clary asks me worried. "Ya. It hasn't stopped since that mission." I answer. "You should go rest Y/N!" Izzy says sounding like a mother. "I'll be fine! Go to your mission, don't worry about me." I say hugging them both. "Fine! But call me if you need anything!" Izzy says. "I will! Good luck!" I say. "Thank you!" They say and leave for their mission, I sigh in pain while rubbing my back until I hear a new voice next to me.

"I couldn't stop hearing that your hurt." I look left and see Aldertreen "That isn't your business." I say trying to leave. "I can help you. I have something for the pain." I hear, I stop to think then I look back at him. "Fine." I say, and he took me to his office and show me an ointment. "What is this?" I ask him. "Something that will help your pain." He says and I go back to my room and put the ointment on my back.

A Week Later

I have been using the ointment on my back and each day I'm feeling amazing, the pain is gone and I feel even stronger, so I started going on missions again.

"You're on fire today Y/N!" Jace says making us all laugh. "You know it!"I say winking at him joking. "Your back doesn't hurt any more?" Izzy asks. "No! The pain is gone!" I say smiling at her making her smile at me and hug me.

We arrived at the institute, tired, so we all went to our bedrooms, I prepare myself to bed but when I went to get the ointment I see that there's nothing insane, I finish it. "Well, my pain is gone, so I don't think I need it any more." I think and went to sleep.

Few Days Later

After the ointment finish I hadn't the pain again for like two days, so I didn't think much of it but today I woke up worse than I ever felt. "Maybe I'm just getting sick." I think to myself, but I get up getting ready for my solo mission, a simple one.

I went to the mission who was a success, I was on my way to the institute when suddenly I got dizzy, weak somehow I walked to a alley and lean against a wall sliding down. I think I black out for a few minutes until I felt someone touching me, with all the straight I still had, which wasn't much I take my steel and look to the person. "Y/N?!" I hear. "Raphael...Thank god." I say sighing in relief. "What's wrong with you?" He asks worried getting me in his arms. "I don't know...I feel so weak." I say then I look at my hands and see them trembling.

"How long are you like this?" Raphael asks looking serious at my hands. "I don't know, days, weeks." I say looking at him, then suddenly he picks me up bride style. "It hurts everywhere Raphael." I say crying in pain. " I know sweetheart." He says looking at me, then he uses vampire speed and took me to his place.

"What is happening to me?" I ask him while he lays me down on his bed. "Yin Fen." He says looking at me. "What?" I ask still in pain. "Have you take something, use something new?" He asks. "A ointment for my back pain." I say. "Dammit Y/N!" He says. "I'm sorry Raphael, I didn't know." I say. "Please help me, I need something to stop it!" I say looking at him in hope. "You need to stop, you need to take it out, in time you will be fine. You have to be strong." He says squeezing my hand. "I can't." I say squeezing his hand stronger. "You have to!" He says almost screaming. "Please Raphael help me!" I say crying even more. Raphael looks up then his fangs came, and he almost bites me and I sigh in relief waiting for the sensation but it never came. "No. I'm sorry. This is for your own good." He says, kissed my forehead and speed leaves the room. "RAPHAEL! PLEASE HELP ME! RAPHAEL!" I scream for him but it never came.

Another week as passed and I was trapped in Raphael bedroom all this time, he made someone brought me food, anyone except vampires. I will never be angry at him, he did this for me, he gave me his bedroom for me and I know his hurt for seeing his best friend like this.

I look up seeing the bedroom door open and for my surprise I see Raphael entering smiling at me. "Raphael!" I say surprised. "Hey." He says stopping at the front of his bed. "How are you feeling?" He asks. "Good, my trembling stopped and I feel stronger." I say. "Good, I guess you can leave then." He says now not looking at me. I nod then get up and starting to leave, I look at Raphael expecting him so say something and nothing, I sigh sad and start leaving but then something came to me and I turn around and run to Raphael hugging his back.

"Y/N?" I hear him, then he turns around and hugs me back. "Thank you. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for everything." I say now looking at him. "I thought you hated me." He says. "Never. I could never hate you Raphael." I say putting my hand on his cheek, we stay there looking at each other eyes then I finally kiss him making him kiss me back. "It hurt me so bad seeing you like that and couldn't do anything." He says after the kiss. "I know."I say. "I love you so much." He says. "I always loved you and I will always love you." I say, and we kiss again, but we got interrupted when Raphael phone rings.

"Who is it?" I ask still kissing him. "Maybe is not important." Raphael says. "I have a feeling it is." I say stopping the kiss, and he looks at me, he sighs but then smiles at me and picks up his phone, he frowns seeing four missed calls of Alec and many texts. "Who is it?" I ask. "Alec." He says picking up his jacket. "Let's go then." I say starting to leave. "Let's go save the world!" I say joking making Raphael laugh but follows me. "What shadowhunter I got." He says to himself joking seeing the love of his life walking in front of him.

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