The Shifter and the Warlock - Magnus Bane

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Magnus Pov's

"Those shadowhunters can really be annoying. Always full of themselves, then people tell me I'm worse. Their annoying, I'm fabulous, it's a big different!" I say out loud to no one. I open a portal to a beautiful forest. "Maybe a relaxed walk will do me good." I think and pass the portal.

I start walking, seeing the beautiful tall trees, the different animals, and thank god, no fairies around. "Now this is relaxing." I say conjuring my favourite drink, then look at the beautiful view. "Shit!" I hear, I look around with my cat eyes and I follow the noise. Laying on the dirty ground I see a beautiful tiger, too big from the other tigers, I could sense something different about this animal. "I think I drink too much, tigers can't swear." I say turning around to leave only to stop and look back to the tiger, smirking. "Unless, they are a shifter." I say confident, and the tiger in front of me transform to the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. "Hello." I say smiling to her. "I know who you are, Magnus Bane, the warlock." She says angry, defensive. "Well you know me, but I don't know you." I say curious.

Y/N Pov's

I can't believe I got into a fight again." I think walking towards the deep forest, my home. I sit against a tree and sigh in pain, I look at my leg and see a scratch. "At least was just a scratch this time." I think then press the scratch to keep the blood from coming out. "Shit!" I scream in pain, then I hear someone coming, I transform back to my tiger form and I see the famous warlock everyone talks about, Magnus Bane. "I think I drink too much, tigers can swear." He says turning around to leave only to stop and look back at me, smirking. "Unless, they are a shifter." He says confident, showing his cat eyes and knowing he knows what I was I transform back to my human side. "Hello." He says smiling at me. "I know who you are, Magnus Bane, the warlock." I say going into defensive mode. "Well you know me, but I don't know you." He says curious. "I'm Y/N." I say. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He says flirting and I stay in silence not taking my eyes of him.

"Silence, okay, I understand. I see you have a wound, would you like help with that?" He asks. "I'm fine. You can leave warlock." I say hissing at him. "Very well. At least have this." He says using his magic to leave me a medical kit. "Thanks." I say and he smiles at me. "Goodbye for now." He says like he intends to come back. "See you never warlock." I say in a treat but he only leaves laughing. "He really is as handsome as everyone says." I think watching Magnus Bane leave.

Magnus Pov's

After that day, the day I meet the tiger shifter Y/N, I couldn't stop thinking about her, so I always take some hours of my days to go see her in the forest, and everyday I see her getting into fights with other shifter, shadowhunters and even humans, knowing she's going to get hurt I always leave medical kits in her tree and I always see her using them, smiling while do it and sometimes I can hear her whispering. "Thank you, Magnus."

The Eclipse Day

Unfortunately, it has been a week since I went to see her, I was so busy helping the shadowhunters I didn't have time to go to the forest. "Maybe there's a way." Jace breaks my thoughts. "Magnus you know something that can help?" Clary asks. "Well..." I start but my boy Alec interrupted me. "He can't help today." Alec says. "Why not?" Jace asks him. "It's the eclipse today remember? Every downworlders will be weak, including Magnus." Alec says making me go in shock. "The eclipse. Y/N!" I think in panic. "Right Magnus?" Alec says making me look at him. "You're always right Alec." I say winking at him making him look away from me, embarrassed. "Well, this is the part I go and left Alec in charge." I say smirking looking at Jace angry face. "Goodbye you and goodbye Alec." I say leaving. "Why are you going? We aren't done here." Jace says. "I have business to attend." I say, Y/N face coming to my mind. "More important than this?" Alec asks confused. "More important than my life." I say serious, looking into Alec eyes, he looks at me like he understands. "Very well then. You can go." He says. "That's why you're my favorite!" I say leaving in the rush.

Y/N Pov's

"I can't believe I forgot today was the eclipse." I think, walking in the forest, injury and getting weaker and weaker by the minute.

"I'm so stupid." I say, alone in the forest, I lay against the tree, waiting for something. "He's not coming Y/N. Don't think about him." I say, seeing Magnus Bane face in my mind.

Hours and hours passed and I look at the sky watching the sun and the moon almost near each other, it's the end of the afternoon and my body feels so weak I can't keep my eyes open, I hear the animals around him getting anxious, some of them are getting ready to attack the weak, me included.

I sigh in pain and finally closing my eyes going to sleep without wanting it.

Magnus Pov's

I pass though the portal and run to the forest looking for her, I find my self getting weaker because of the eclipse but I still have a few hours until I have no magic, I look around until I finally see her, paled, injured, laying down against a tree. I run towards her. "Y/N?" I say trying to wake her up, I put my hand on her forehead and feel hot, must be some infection of the wounds since now she can't heal. "Y/N, honey, you need to wake up." I say putting my hand on her face gently waking her up. "Leave me alone." She says trying to fight me. "It's me. It's Magnus." I say putting my hands on her head making her look at me, she opens her eyes and sees me.

"Magnus. You're here. You really came." She says, smiling in relief. "Of course I came." I say. "Come one, we need to leave this forest fast." I say helping her get up. She groans in pain but gets up anyway, leaning against me we both look at the sky and see the eclipse is almost happening, so quickly I open a portal to my home. "Let's go." I say, and we both pass the portal just in time before he disappears, I guide Y/N to my bedroom and lay her down in my bed. " It's so soft." She says, tired. "Sleep now. You're safe." The moment I say this, Y/N feel asleep.

The eclipse it's happening which means my magic is gone, so I had to treat Y/N wounds normally, like a human. I feel her forehead and it's no longer hot, the fever was gone, I sigh in relief and stay near the bed looking at her.

Tired I get up and kiss her forehead before leaving my bedroom. "I need a drink." I say and go make a margarita, I sit in my couch drinking and before I know it, I feel asleep.

The next day

Y/N Pov's

I woke up and feel something soft under me, I open my eyes and see that I'm in a bed in a beautiful room. "Magnus!" I remember shocked. I get up of bed feeling my energy coming back from the eclipse, I see a mirror and stand in front of them looking at me, my injures start healing. "I need a shower." I think. I look around and see a bathroom, smirking I take some Magnus clothes and go take a shower.

I enter what it seems Magnus's leaving room, only wearing his huge shirt, I look around at the beautiful place and I found Magnus sleeping in his couch, looking so calm and beautiful. I kneel beside him and start tracing his face with my fingers. Then suddenly he opens his eyes and I see his beautiful warlock eyes, the cat eyes. "Good morning." I say smiling. "What a beautiful sight to wake up." He says flirting. "Isn't too early to flirt?" I ask laughing getting up. "Says the person who was tracing my face." He responds. "Guilty." I say smiling. "I love how good you look in my shirt." He says looking at me up and down. "But I think you look better in this." He says snapping his fingers and I see a beautiful dress on me. "It has been a while since I wear one." I say touching the dress, and I see Magnus looking at me with sad eyes. "Anyway, I love your house." I say changing the conversation. "Thank you! I decorated myself." He says proudly making me smile.

"Thank you." I say serious. "For what darling?" He asks getting near me. "For everything. For coming to me, bring me here, I saw you treated my wounds and for this dress I guess." I say, blushing. "You don't have to thank me." He says now in front of me. "I..." I was going to speak but Magnus interrupted by kissing me, right in the lips, which I kiss him back. "Sorry." He says not sorry at all and when he was going to leave I put my arms on his neck and kiss him again.

"A shifter and a warlock. No one expected that." I say, smiling happy. "We will be history my sweetheart." He says, and we kiss again in front of the windows showing the eclipse now gone, the eclipse who brought us together.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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