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Jack let his mobile buzz one more time, glared at David, and swiped the screen to answer. He could easily have tapped the icon for speaker, but instead he pressed his phone to his ear and made faces.

A sensation like he was being dragged down crept over David, making him dart his gaze around, looking for the nearest chair—until he saw his partner's forehead knit together.

Jack was hearing something he hadn't expected.

David leaned forward, straining to hear.

Jack's non-committal mm's turned to uh-huhs and finally a, "Yeah?"

What's Nicola saying? David mouthed.

Jack gave him a sheepish grin and said to his mobile, "He's right here."

When David brought the phone to his ear, the voice he heard wasn't Nicola's. It was the top woman herself—Ms. the-next-big-thing investor Sara Tomaro. He blinked, not quite believing what he'd just heard. "You—you like it?"

"I don't just like it," Sara said, "I think you've finally locked the concept down. The iOS app stores are full of work hour timers. You're adding a simple visualization that will make our app the go-to reminder for why anyone should strive in the first place."

The words jumbled together in David's brain but the meaning of the phrase our app was unmistakable. Sara Tomaro is going to fund us.

"I recommend you continue to work as a lean team until you've added a prototype of the subprogram. Does three months sound about right?"

"Uh, yeah—yes."

"Ask Jack to send me a budget—salaries, equipment, and so on. Your current staff is six. Nicola tells me each one has great focus."

David nodded then remembered to add a murmur of enthusiastic agreement. Then he drew a deep breath and plunged ahead. "I have one more team member to add to the list. She—she adds a unique perspective. She was kind of the—the mentor behind the new feature. Her—her name is Aubrey Wisheart."

Jack mimed an expression of horrified disagreement.

David turned away from him. "She's really become a core component of the Kate's Time development team. She really deserves to be paid for her contributions so far and the contributions we need from her in the future."

"Yes, certainly. Don't overload your team at this time but don't deprive it either. Anything you need for this phase, include it in the budget."

"Yes," David said, trying to sound professional instead of the giddy way he felt. "We're on it. Is Monday morning all right?"

"This time next week sounds more reasonable. But no later."

David suppressed a relieved chuckle. He was going to have to get used to the generosity of a confident investor. But not too used to it, he reminded himself. Disaster could still be just one miss-step away.

"And one more thing," Sara said. "Give a second thought to the app's name. 'Kate's Time.' I just don't know..."

Before David could react, Sara ended the call. Glancing again at Kate's brother, he decided not to mention that last point. With a wide smile he said, "Did you get that? We need a necessary but sufficient first phase development budget to Nicola first thing Monday morning."

As Jack nodded, he broke into a grin. "Say it. Go ahead. I know you must want to. You were right, and I was wrong."

David handed Jack his mobile and clapped him on the shoulder. "You were right to be worried. I was speaking spontaneously, off the top of my head... but I really have been grinding through this idea for weeks.

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