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Title: Marked

Current Status: In Progress

Genre/Type: Naruto Fan-Fiction

Author: Moon_Ink

Summary: She was 5, when she ran away. She couldn't take the pressure, expectations and beatings. She went to live with her uncle in the Uchiha Village. Three years later her uncle was murdered during the Uchiha Massacre.

This left her drifting in a stream of thoughts and confusion. She was alone and lost. Later she figures out, being lost was the key to opening a past of a so known, prominent clan.

Review: This is a pretty dark Naruto fanfic, but it's a really good one too. Most of you probably have not heard or read it yet since it hasn't been noticed. Now it will be. Follow Miya as she lives in without her family, as she struggles to keep together. She is teased, misunderstood, and in need of a loving friend. Can't people see that this girl is slowly suffering in pain?

I guess not, the Naruto pretty cruel for kids like her.

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