In ZeRoyalChaos We Trust

238 11 5

Title: In ZeRoyalChaos We Trust

Current Status: In Progress

Genre/Type: ZeRoyalChaos Fanfic/ YouTuber's

Author: Naxrena

Summary: Obviously ZeRoyalChaos, obviously gay, obviously my mind is fucked up. Enjoy Guppies!

Review: I simply love this fanfic! Love, love, love it! Especially the chapter that was recently uploaded, where Chilled raged. Haha. The ending of most of her chapters are perfection. ♡ But overall, I give it a 10/10. The chapters are great, the plot is pretty good so far, the detail is great. *sighs* I have no other words for this.

P.S: I just love the title of this story. It makes me giggle. Hehe. (Reminds me of something a superhero would say, or in this case... fan-girls)

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