Chapter 2

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As I was riding on the back of Hachirou he stopped to wait for a car. Then I saw a young man around my age he was standing in front of Ms. Sato's mini mart while holding something in his hand...what was it? While I tried to look closer Hachirou started to ride away...who was that handsome stranger? Then as we neared the school I saw my advice stand the sign still was on the closed side. We both got off the bicycle and I opened the shop for a new day of business. I looked back at Harichou he was still standing there as if he was waiting for something.

I finally brought myself to ask "Umm...are you waiting for someone or need advice?"

He looked at me as if that was the most idiotic thing he ever heard and then he says "N-no I-I was j-just wondering if-"

Was this really  the most popular boy in my school? Hachirou can change to the bravest most charismatic boy to the shyest in the world in a matter of seconds when he sees me.

He continues to say "I could watch you or-or be your apprentice...yeah."

I stared at him and smiled but if you could see me from the inside I was in pure panic.

"IS THIS GUY SERIOUS" I said to myself.

Then in a stroke of pure luck one of his friends, Tommy came up to him and asked "You wanna play some ball?"

I freakin' love you Tommy. I was still worried though...would he say yes.

Harichou looked back at me and finally said "Sure."

As I saw Tommy and Harichou walk off I turned the closed sign to open. Harumi's Advice Stand was open for business  nothing could stop me except...

"Hey, Harumi"

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