Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen

As I did as he had said the Doctor instructed everyone to grab a hold of me and we disappeared into a burst of golden light just as the king’s men reached where we had been standing.

When I opened my eyes I was standing in the TARDIS with everyone else on the ground by my feet. I was very unbalanced and grabbed for the railing as the Doctor and Jack rose to their feet. By the time Jack had helped Ianto up I was steady and rubbing my head which was pounding.

For a moment we all stood in silence not knowing what to do after that failure. Fortunately Ianto broke the silence by saying, “I guess that means we’ve got to go back to that horrible crowded market place.”

                I slipped my hand into the doctor’s to help reassure myself that this would work and that we could still save Ianto. The Doctor just squeezed my hand and answered, “Yep. We’re going a week after we left so that everything will be different.”

“Come on. Let’s go then.” Jack said pushing his coat back so that he could put his hands into his pants pockets. Then he looked over at his lover as if to make sure Ianto approved of going but I didn’t see my brother’s response.

“I’m ready,” I said nodding to the Doctor who then looked at Ianto to for his approval.

            At Ianto’s murmur of approval the Doctor set the TARDIS to take us back to the alien marketplace.

            When the Doctor opened the door to let Jack and Ianto out he told them, “If you find something send a Message Boy to come get us. Also don’t forget that here you pay with items that have personal meaning to you.”

“Got it,” Ianto said before he set off to the right a brisk pace that Jack kept up with nicely. I watched the two of them with a smile and thought, ‘I’m so happy Ianto found him.’

The Doctor and I turned to the left strolling leisurely and I asked, “What did you mean you pay with something you value?”

“They don’t use money here, to much hassle with people coming from everywhere. Instead they trade things that have meaning to them.”

I furrowed my brow and asked, “How are we going to pay for anything then? I didn’t bring anything with my and all you have is your sonic screwdriver.”

“Don’t worry,” The Doctor said. “I’ve got stuff in the TARDIS that we can use.”

“What about Jack and Ianto? Do they have anything they can use?” I wondered aloud.

“I don’t know about Ianto. I mean it isn’t like he packed for the trip but I know Jack has will have something on him. He always keeps his important belongings with him.” With his last sentence the Doctor frowned slightly but the expression quickly went away.

I nodded and we began to look through the stall in front of us. Ten minutes later we had looked through about three stalls and were heading towards one with a bright orange top when the Doctor froze.

I had taken a couple more steps not noticing I was alone, but a warm hand on my shoulder stopped me when the Doctor came back to world.

There was a grave look on his face as the Doctor told me, “There’s nothing in there let’s skip this stall.”

AS we made our way to the next stall I asked, “Why didn’t you want to go in there?”

“It was wrong,” He told me. “You know how I can sense time disturbances if I try. Well, that tent was a major one I don’t know what it was but I could tell it would only get better once we stop Ianto from dying.”

“Good thing we’re taking care of that.” I said giving a smile with my tongue between my teeth knowing it would reassure him.

He smiled at me and said, “Yeah” before leaning down to kiss me gently.

When we finally pulled away from each other we blushed and turned back to the stall before us.

The Doctor cleared his throat and I snuggled into his side as he asked, “Do you have any air purifiers that go at the back of your throat or anything like that?”

“No, none of that,” The vendor snapped at us as his as his gills flapped around wildly.

I was about to respond and tell him not to be so rude but a little boy with purple skin tapped on our shoulders and distracted us.

The boy straightened himself out proudly when we looked at him and announced, “I am Messenger Boy Flanagan I was sent by Master Ianto to lead the two of you back to him and the Harkness man.”

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