Chapter Five: Run For Your Life

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Hazel couldn't breathe. The air felt like it had been sucked away by the flames, which seemed a lot bigger. "How-oh.. What??" Hazel stammered.
Facts! Hazel, Facts!!
1. Umm...
2. Oh no.
I need help, I'm going to die.
I'm going to die die die...

Hazel got up clumsily, Evelynn stopped telling the story.

"Are you okay?" someone called.

"What happened?" another questioned

"Hazel?" Lila exclaimed.

Hazel couldn't tell where the voices were coming from, she swore she heard someone say, 'Get the coffin.'

Her mind was shouting,

She listened to the only hope she had, Save herself and survive. Hazel stepped down the bleachers and ran.

"Hazel!" Lila shouted behind her, but it sounded echoey and far-off. The thumping of the undergrowth, the crispy smell of fallen leaves.

Help help help help!

Get to medical attention!!

You will die. Lila can't save you now. Hazel heard nothing, she felt nothing but fear. Mom was gone, Lila was gone, Mrs. Cook was gone.

Hazel was gone.

Hazel darted down the path to the kitchen.

"Hazel, stop!!" She realized she was being followed. Was it Lila? She didn't have time to find out. She turned into the valley that held the cafeteria and medical building. Hazel realized she was crying.

She bursted into the medical building in a flurry, one lady was sitting in a chair knitting, she looked up, bewildered.

"Hazel! Hazel. Are you okay??" Lila was here. She wasn't gone.

Mr. Roonon entered the room as well, "Hazel? What happened?"

The nurse got up and ushered Hazel to the medical bed. Hazel felt out of breath, did that mean she was dying? "I, Reaction.. Aria." She heaved as she felt like she might black out.

The nurse cooed, "Ah deary, an allergic reaction." Hazel cringed hearing those words. "I see. Let's check you over, no swelling, no hives" The nurse checked her heartbeat, "Breathing is normal, no rashes... Hazel, take a few long breaths with, again. It seems like you might be having a panic attack."

"It's okay Hazel, this must be scary for you," Mr. Roonon said, "This camp is nut free, I checked every label myself."

What? no no no... I am not okay!!

Hazel remembered her epi-pen. She reached for her pack and unzipped it.

"NO!" Mr. Roonon and the nurse shouted simultaneously, putting their hands out to stop her. What are they thinking? Hazel closed her eyes.

YOU'RE GONNA DIE, YOU'RE GONNA DIE. Hazel heard the voice that had been taunting her for the last month. Then Hazel thought back:

"I know you have the courage Hazel."Her mother was here.

"I knew you could face them." Mrs. Cook was too.

"You are literally awesome!" Lila was here!

"I know you can do it." Mr. Roonon's words rang in her head.

NO!! WHAT?? What are you doing?? You're going to die! Right?

That's what you think.


I will never be a prisoner of fear. They're all here keeping me safe.
Your lies will never hurt me.


Hazel exhaled softly, she opened her eyes. "Hazel?" Lila whispered, she looked scared like Hazel's mom after her first allergic reaction. Hazel stood up off the bed and hugged her.

"Thank you." Hazel whispered in her ear, and hugged her tighter.

"Stop it! I'm telling them!" A voice outside was yelling, Hazel looked and saw Skylah running towards the medical building with Aria chasing her. "Mr. Roonon!" Skylah yelled. Hazel could see all the other students rushing over the hill. Skylah stopped at the doorway when Mr. Roonon came out of the medical building. "Mr. Roonon, it was Aria. Aria told Hazel she was eating nuts." Aria had just arrived at the building.

"Aria." Mr. Roonon's voice was stern. Hazel didn't know he could sound like that. "Is this true?" Aria looked terrible, her face turned red, and to Hazel's surprise, she started to cry. She looked at her feet, then solemnly nodded.

"I-I-I'm sorry.. I didn't know how scared she would be." Her voice hitched on the last word.

"Come on Aria, these are real life and death circumstances. You can't be joking around like that. Your parents will hear about this." Mr. Roonon then escorted her up the path.

"C'mon, we should go back to camp." Lila said.

"Yeah." Hazel sniffed.

The first time Hazel had an allergic reaction was a turning point in her life. She knew there would be challenges that other kids didn't have to face. Although there would be pain and suffering, Hazel would make it through, stronger.

Hazel got off the bus around noon on Saturday. All the hustle and bustle, it made it hard to spot her mom. Good thing her mom spotted her. Her mother barreled into her with a great big bear hug. Then, she promptly burst into tears.

"S-sweetie, you did so good, You made it!!" Hazel hugged her back.

"Only thanks to you, and everyone else."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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