You Spoke in Flowers (Zalfie)

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You handed me a flower
that February day
"The Love Tag" entitled our hidden feelings
from within
Underneath that fading pink
were colors that spoke
what you couldn't say
for the streaming blue veins under the pastel spoke words of a daunting eloquence
You said it reminded you of me
and that's when I knew where I stood

You showed up at my doorstep half a year later
and handed me that same flower
that I threw at your heels
all that time ago
With gentle hands
you passed the power to me
Look again, you said
Your red-stained cheeks and bushy brown hair
persuaded me
and so I looked, heart open and eyes wide
The ever-so fading color of rose gold
was overtaken by the deep blue
once again

Contrary, the deep blue changed to royal
showing its hidden message
for in that flower I saw your true feelings
concealed in the creases of the petals
The flower still intact,
even in the darkest of times
Strength, it spoke
You spoke in flowers
And this flower
spoke of such eloquence
that I couldn't even fathom
In the right reality
I finally knew where I stood.


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