11:11 (Tronnor)

134 10 6


13,081 kilometers

is what separates us

in one hundred lifetimes


and unspoken forms of reality

I hear a wolf cry out

to the sliver of silver

in the sky

for a love it cannot touch

It reminds me of us

for this distance and time

account for those realities

and the only thing my mind

can weave together into perspective

is the time aspect

These little legends

and laced-together hopefuls

are what keep me going


What was the significance anyway?

It's just a time....

just a time

Was it just a time?

Was it meant that all numbers are aligned into one entity?

Do we yearn for this alignment?

Why was I conforming to this 11:11 wish?

Am I destined to change the course of my life in one minute?

Hands close to chest

vibration of my beating heart

Maybe I'm just starstruck by the fact

that there is only one time from dawn to dusk

where you could be wishing for me too



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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