Author's Note

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So I was a bit impulsive when i decided to write a book here on wattpad.
I mean,  if I had thought it through I would have never gotten the courage to write.
Ive been thinking about the plot and what not quiet a bit and i think just maybe the story would be better if i wrote it in the 3rd person point of view especially for how i have it planned.

Anyways thank you to those of you who are givng this book a chance.
Im not perfect
The book isnt going to be perfect
But it is my intellectual property.
Please do not plagerise any part of it.  It is a criminal offense.
Also please dont be a silent reader
I would appreciate votes and comments. Feedback is good.
If this isnt your cup of tea, thats fine not everyone is going to like it but please dont show hate. You can simply just not read the story.
It can be hurtful and can really bring down a persons self esteem and confidence.
It took me years to finally gather the courage and let people witness my work

Again thanks if youre reading.

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