Chapter 1

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Present Day

As soon as they saw her, the birds lazily pegged on the powerlines flew down to flock around her. Each one of them hustling to get a crumb of bread she threw at them.

Raven couldn't help but smile. There was something strangely calming about watching her surroundings from atop the roof.
Making her way to the edge, she took in everything below her. Spotting an elderly couple exiting their car in the parking lot for tenants,  with a handful of bags, she assumed they were returning from grocery shopping. The laughter of the family in the park opposite reached her and her smile widened. From up here, she could see a strip of blue where the sea was, further out.

She moved her brown hair out of her eyes as the wind blew. She regretted not putting it in a bun before she came up,  but she liked to have her hair open and cascading down her back to just below her waist.

Most of the birds who finshed eating, were now once again perched on the powerlines. A few were still strutting around the rooftop.
Had Alaya come with her today, she would have enjoyed chasing them off.

Taking a look at her watch, she realised she should get going.
As she turned to leave, she was met with a pair of striking blue eyes. She jumped, caught off guard. She didn't notice that someone else had joined her.

Looking somewhat apologetic he mumbled a sorry.

"I moved in to the building today and thought I'd check the place out. You live in one of the apartments? "

Own two of the storeys. She thought,  but instead just nodded.

There wasn't much to the five storey, mint green building to 'check out'.  Every floor had twelve apartments save for the ground floor, which only had seven as it shared space with the lobby and a laundry room, the small rooftop and parking lot.
Mrs. Smith had originally owned the entire building, however Raven had persuaded her into selling atleast two of the floors. It wasn't hard to get her to agree as she had no children and only a nephew,  Keith.
She now vaguely remembered Keith telling her of a new tenant on her floor and she realised it must be the man standing before her.
Keith was an honest middle aged man and he took care of not only the maintainence of the building but also the tenants, the payments, land tax and ensuring the rent money was deposited into her bank account as well as his aunt's, at the end of every month. With him around, Raven didn't have to worry about a thing.

"I'm Ryan McKinny,  by the way. "

Ryan. Brian. Brian. Ryan.

It was as thought fate was laughing at her. Every time she would try to take a step forward, it would take her to steps backward.

Or in this case, six years.

"Raven. "

That's it. Just Raven. No other names attached to her. Maybe the occasional nickname from Garette and a "Ravey dear" from Mrs. Smith but mostly just Raven. She was Alaya's 'mama' and she was unsure of what Kit usually addressed her.

"Sorry, I need to head back. "  She didn't like to leave Alaya and Kit alone for too long.

  "Oh don't mind me," he grinned at her whilst running a hand through his blonde strands. "See you around. "


One hundred and twenty-three

One hundred and twenty-four

One hundred and twenty-five

Counting every step she took, she made her way back to her apartment. It was now a habbit of hers ever since Dr. White had suggested it, in an effort to prevent her thoughts from wandering to dangerous, dark places whenever she was alone. It was one of the reasons she didn't use the elevators when by herself. Taking the stairs provided a distraction that a small elevator space couldn't. In fact, stuck in an elevator made her sick to the stomach.

A sigh of relief escaped her breath as she reached her floor and as soon as she stepped inside her two-bedroom apartment, a pair of tiny hands enclose around her legs.

"Mama I'm finished drawing. " Alaya's blonde curls bounced as she exitedly waved the paper in her hand. Picking the toddler up and placing her on her hip, she give her a kiss.

"Oh yeah? Let's see"

"That's me on the swing in the park and that's you and Kit with your books. " The drawing was anything but good but it was the best that a three year old could manage.

Kissing her cheek again, she cooed "It's beautiful, just like my little girl. "

Alaya giggled as her mother placed sloppy kisses over her face.

"Take that Kit" she screamed and then goes on to stick her tongue out at him, and rapidly blinking her hazel eyes at him. It was the one thing the siblings had in common, their hazel eyes.
Whilst Alaya was graced with a handful of blonde curls, Kit's hair was  a curly chocolate brown.

"Alaya" Raven tried to scold but then Alaya pouted and pointed at Kit.

"Kit said my drawing was ugly. "

"Well that wasn't very nice of Kit." She looked towards him.
Kit, who was doing his homework, could have cared less about his sister's complaints. He had grown accustomed to Alaya's slightly spoilt behaviour and realised the best way to get her to shut up was to ignore her. He always thought that Raven coddled her too much and allowed her to get away with too many things. On the other hand, he supposed it was what mothers tend to do, pamper their kids until they were old enough to fend for themselves.

"How bout some strawberries? "

"Yes!" Jumping out of Raven's arms, she ran her tubby little legs towards  the kitchen.

"Kit, you coming? " Raven called to him.

He didn't answer but he did attempt to pack away his papers which were now scattered, due to the ceiling fan, when he lifted his pencil case from a few sheets.

His eyebrows knitted together in annoyance. It was rare to see any kind of emotion on Kit's face and his annoyed face brought a smile to Raven's.


Raven usually took the kids to the park opposite the buiding most evenings to unwind, however, Sunday evenings were a must. The park always tended to be full especially over the weekend and Alaya looked forward to going to the park so she could have fun with the other kids.  Kit.. Not so much. He preferred to walk with a book and read. Raven often wondered if he was actually able to read much with all the noise around him but she figured it was just his way to shield himself from others.
They were walking hand in hand,  but after a minute or so Alaya let go of Kit's hand complaining about how sweaty his hands were.

"Mama, when you weren't home this morning, Kit kicked me on my foot and now it's hurting and I can't walk."

As energetic and active as she was,  Alaya hated to walk. She rather her mother carry her on the hip.
Once,  she had slept with Kit in his room and the following day when they were out taking a walk,  she made up a tale of how Kit kicked her off the bed and she couldn't walk, in a successful attempt to get Raven to lift her up.

"I did not." Kit tried to defend himself but he didn't have to. Raven knew he didn't kick her.

"I said you did, so YOU did. "
Rolling his eyes at her,  he continued walking.

Despite knowing there was no truth to Alaya's words, Raven lifted her and nestled her onto her hip.  "Happy? "

"Yepp" she remarks popping the 'p'.

"You spoil her way to much." Kit looked at her referring to Alaya.

Alaya sticks her tongue out at him and Raven realises it's a habbit she needes her to get rid of.

"I would love to spoil you too, only if you'd let me. "

If he heard her, he didn't say anything and she let out an audible sigh.
Had she looked down at him, she would have seen a hint of a smile grace his features.
For a boy whose ninth birthday was yet to come, he had already been witness to the cruelty of this world, which caused him to mature at a time when he should be carefree.



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