Chapter 19

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Byul woke up to a liquid sliding down her chest, she fluttered her eyes to adjust from the light coming from the balcony, she tried to yawn and stretch but remembered that Yongsun is sleeping on top of her. She looked at the sleeping body drooling on her 'Ah... that's where the liquid comes from' she thought, she smiled and hugged the body tightly. Yongsun started to stir, groaning from the tight hug and looking up at Byul with sleepy eyes.

"Byul-ah, good morning" Yongsun stretched and yawned earning an affectionate look from the chairman, Yongsun looked at the two of them both naked on the bed, she can't help but caress Byuls' naked body

"You are so beautiful" she eyed her from the flowing black hair slightly hanging from her shoulders, her soft features looking at her, those pink lips, she looks so feminine very opposite from the androgynous look she has when wearing her suits. She can't help herself but kiss those soft lips and caress her breast. Byul let out a small moan, getting excited from the ministrations that Yongsun is doing to her, then they heard a knock on Byuls' door and Yongsun was so startled that she almost fell on the bed.

"Miss Byul breakfast is ready," Seoho said on the other side of the door

"Coming!" Byul shouted at the door.

"My God! that gave me a heart attack" Byul laughed so hard at the older girls reaction

"Well I thought he will go through the door you know" she pouted

"Unnie, Seoho knows you're here, he will not dare to open the door"

"Even though!" she said still pouting

"Want to take a bath with me?" Yongsun smirked at the younger girls' invitation

"One night and you became this perverted now Byul-ssi" she said teasing the girl

"Well you don't have to if you don't want to," she said walking seductively towards the bathroom

"Coming!" Yongsun went running towards the door before Byul shut it

The two of them finished preparing and went to the patio hand in hand where Hyejin is waiting for them.

"Good morning love birds," Hyejin said teasingly

"Good morning Hyej, so what's up?" Byul asks as if nothing had happened

"Good morning Hyejin," said Yongsun eyeing the food in front of her, a lot of pastries, eggs, cheese, sausages, and coffee are laid prettily on the table, overlooking the vast garden, Yongsun felt she's in another country

"I don't feel like I'm in Korea," she said out loud

"The mansion was renovated according to European standards since the family is staying there and we are used to this kind of living arrangements" Hyejin explained

"It looks like those in the movies" Yongsun nodded and picked the danish that looks beautifully appetizing

"Enjoy the food unnie, you can ask anything you want, we have a lot of stock in the kitchen" Byul encouraged

"No I'm ok with this," she said munching away

"Well I was being bombarded with a lot of messages since last night" Hyejin started

"Ahhh, I haven't checked my phone since last night"

"Oh my god me too!" Yongsun said in a panic, she tried to find her phone but she doesn't even remember where she put it

"I think our bags are in the office, anyway what's happening outside?" Byul gave her attention to Hyejin while eating her eggs and sausages

"For starters, the both of you are the content of all news programs last night actually until now," she said while sipping her coffee

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