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NOW, HE GUESSES he should start from when he first felt the unbeatable pain in his abdomen, which occurred while he was at a baseball game.

In the 11th grade.

Jace was at the base, playing like kids play, when the sharpness of the pain made him freeze, hand instinctively reaching to hold his lower stomach.

"Woo, Jace!You've got this, baby!"The voice that shouted to him was distant, at best, but he could only assume it belonged to his mother, who was the only person at his game, aside from Sean, a good friend of his.

Jade was too busy with some stupid date, and he had no other friends, so this was what he got.

Anyway, the pain only lasted for a few moments, causing him to feel a throbbing with the quickness of his heartbeat all throughout his body.

He hears the yelling around him all at once again, and the pain completely subsides, so he slams his bat against the plastic plate on the ground, placing his feet and dragging his cleats through the dirt.

After shaking his head to rid of the earlier moments, he places his bat over his shoulder, in the air, and cuts his eyes at the pitcher a few feet away from him.

The pitcher throws the first ball, and Jace quickly notices that its faulty, so he opts to not move, letting it fly past him.

"Balk!"People around Jace shout, and he smirks at the pitcher, who just rubs his uniform against his sweaty forehead, getting back in formation.

The guy throws normal this time, but Jace misses it purposely, a little cocky.

"Come on, Jace!Hit a home run!"Sean's got a mop of curly hair sitting disheveled on his head, the color of the very sand Jace is standing on and ugly red pimples adorning his face, voice cracking on just about every other syllable he spits.

Jace hadn't looked much better, own pimples nasty as well, residing mostly on his right cheek.

He licks his chapped lips and nods, eyeing the pitcher with fever.

The next few moments move in slow motion, like in a movie.

The pitcher throws the ball, and Jace swings to receive it, hitting it high into the sky.Guys in the field scramble around to catch it, and Jace takes off in a full on sprint, eyes on each base ahead of him as he passes.

He's just hit third base, and is on his way back home, head turning back to see the ball being passed around the outfield.

He had roughly ten seconds to hit home, and he'd have won the game.

Then he hears his heartbeat loud in his ears, and he feels himself get dizzy with the heat of the air.Breathing through his nose was suddenly extremely hard.

Jace blinks rapidly to clear the yellow spots that appeared behind his eyes, and he lets out a harsh scream when he feels the sharpness in his stomach from earlier, but this time multiplied by 10,000.

His legs weaken and then give out, and he faintly hears his mother shriek as he hits the rough dirt, face scrunched in discomfort.

He could of passed out from how he was hurting.

Too bad he didn't.

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