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It was January 1, and you arrived at Beijing's international airport, You were gonna spend the next few days with Shuyang, including Chinese new year with him. You sat at a metal chair, 

waiting for your boyfriend to fetch you. While you were waiting, you fished out your phone and played a little then suddenly someone lifted up your chin and pecked your lips. You stared at 

him, wide eyes, seeing it was just Shuyang. You were relieved and jumped up to hug him. He pulled you in his arms. "I'm sorry, did you wait long?" he suddenly asked whilst hugging you 

" nope, just arrived " you pulled out from the hug and kissed him lightly, he kissed back. The both of you pulled away. " still, i'm sorry, got held back at practice" he said and put your 

foreheads touching. "let's go ?" he asked. You hummed happily, and held his hand walking to his car. While walking you talked about what to do when you get home. When you guys got 

home and you got showered immedietly and changed to his shirt that only reached the middle of your thigh. You were leaning against the balcony of your bedroom and currently waiting for 

Shuyang to finish washing up. You looked up and saw billions of stars and the glowing moon in the sky shinning among the peaceful neighborhood.

Shuyang x  Reader ( ONE SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now