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• Haruka•

I froze. I knew I probably have a horrified expression on my face. STARISH seemed to be absolutely shocked and curious.
No one dares to move or to create a sound for moments that seem to be forever!
Faintly, I heard footsteps from behind me as I stare at the members of STARISH. Big pale strong arms wrap around my waist and pulled me gently back into a firm yet almost soft chest. Yeah. I know for sure I'm gonna get killed!

I let out a loud squeal of surprise.
Please let this be Tobi.
Tobi is he white hair, pale yellow eyes young man. one of my greatest friends.

Tobi softly growled and is probably glaring at STARISH.
He is protective..

I continue to stare at my friends (STARISH) as their expression change a bit. They all seem to still be shocked and curious, but now it seems like their upset or something..
How am I gonna explain this to them? Will they believe me? Are they going to be safe? How will they react? Will they? Should I tell them everything?

I worriedly and mentally ask myself questions with unknown answers.

Finally Ren speaks up, breaking me out of my thoughts,

"Little Lamb?"

I try to tell him and everyone that's everything's okay, but I couldn't.
1. Because Tobi tightened his grip on me.
2. I'm still in shock.
3. I'm tired! Okay. Call me lazy.

The next few moments were confusing and blurry..
All of a sudden, all the STARISH members and my other friends moved at the same time. All of them moved either towards STARISH or me and Tobi. I knew a STARISH member ripped me away from Tobi. I couldn't see who though.

'Running. A young girl ran as fast as her legs could carry, making them hurt. But I can't stop now! He gonna hurt me!! HES GONNA HURT THEM!!!! Running past thick trees into a dark forest. All the trees look blurry! No time to stop!! Panting and running, a young adult man stood in front of a neatness path of the girl. He opened his arms as if welcoming her. Suddenly, a strong tug on her hand pulls her back a bit, before strong arms wrap around her waist. The man in front of the beaten path looked horrified and sad, but just stood there as the girl struggled.

A quick, loud sound filled the air. Maybe someone is yelling. Everyone suddenly stops whatever their doing and their shouting and turns towards me. Why? Did I do something? EVERYONE has shock and worry plastered on their faces. realization struck me. I quickly covered my mouth and turn towards Tobi. Out of habit, I inched towards Tobi and he patted my head and stared at me. He calmed down and gently smiled,

"It's okay. I'm sorry. It's okay.." He hugged me. I love hugs so, naturally I hug back.

"They-they-theh tugged m-m-my wrist.. And-and- And pulled me back..." I whispered loudly.

Sighing, he comforted, "I know. I know. I'm sorry. It's okay. " Tobi patted my head.
Ittoki quietly asked, "Nanami?"

Pulling back from Tobi, but still staying close to him, I turn my head towards STARISH. Shock, hurt, and concern covered all of the members faces. Crap.

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