Chapter Nineteen

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I sit nervously in the doctors office next to Brian, I try my best not to show what I'm feeling but I suppose it wasn't working. "Why are you nervous about?" I'm asked as a hand is placed on top of  mine. I look over at Brian and shrug, 
"I'm not nervous at all." He sighs and says nothing in reply. I have a bad feeling that if I have a son and let him anywhere near Brian, he's going to turn out just like his father. Mean. Abusive. Women beater. Cheater. Liar. Must I go on? 

"Mackenzie Haner?" The nurse calls. I slowly rise, hesitating to go through those doors. I just want to run away from it all and to never come back. But I go into the doors anyways, and go into the ultrasound room where the doctor is waiting for me. I lay down on my back and roll up my shirt enough for the doctor. The feeling of the gel is cold on my stomach, but turns warm once it's spread around. 

Brian holds my hand as we look up at the screen. "See there?" The doctors asks, "That's a foot... there's hands, there's your baby's head." Shit, my baby has a big head, I think to myself. The doctor shuts off the screen and cleans the gel off my stomach. "Would you like to know the sex?" I think for a moment, but nod my head yes. The doctor smiles, "You're having boys." I look at the doctor in shock, and my jaw drops open a bit. 
"Boys?" I echo. The doctor nods and prints out the ultrasound and shows us.
"Oh my god, babe! We're having twins!" Brian shouts out in excitement and kisses my cheek. I smile and tear up a little. I wipe away the tears, and sit up. I look down at the ultrasound print outs and chuckle, 
"Holy shit, twins." I mumble to myself. 

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