Chapter 29

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Zander stood by as Junius hastily said his name and flashed his tattoo for the Queen of the Court to see. Introductions were something in which he never excelled. Jun, on the other hand, seemed ecstatic with a chance to speak directly to the woman, and Zander could understand why. She was like a painting come to life. The creamy, unblemished skin of her shoulders and cleavage was about all they could see of her body under the drapes of fabric. The robes had a tasteful design of three layers, with the bottom being white, the second red, and the top dyed a gradient between red, blue, and purple. Around the collar was a pattern of golden leaves. The hem was accented with brushes of pink and gold—dragonflies flitting through cherry blossoms. Upon her head was an elaborate headdress of silver, gold, and rubies. One gem hung between her brows, but it was a darker purple, possibly amethyst or fluorite.

That brought his observation to her face. The makeup took away her natural coloring, leaving her alabaster white, save for the blue black of her hair and brows and the carmine of her lips. Queen Kaede's most striking feature, however, had to be her almond-shaped eyes. They were a transparent blue near the pupil and only a shade darker around the rim of the iris.

With beauty like that, it's a wonder Junius isn't groveling at her feet.

Grim finished her statement, thereby turning the attention in the room to him. Suddenly, Zan felt an oppressive weight press against his shoulders as the Queen of the Court gazed upon him with those orbs. His throat tightened. The feeling that he was exposed somehow left him dazed. Scanning the floor for a sliver of confidence, he opened his mouth to speak, took a moment to grumble an apology, and then drew in a deep breath.

On the exhale, he said, "I'm Zander Dante Frost, or Mage." Or Kardyth Zander Erymden, son of Elannalue Lizavieta Erymden.

It was as if she'd heard his thoughts, because Queen Kaede leaned forward in her throne, elbows poised on the top of her thighs, and, while framing her cheeks with her hands, smiled coolly. "Are you sure that's what you wish to be called?"

A strike of lightning must have hit his spine, because hundreds of emotions streaked through his nerves and gut.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Zan or Mage is fine," he murmured, dropping his head and stepping back behind Jun.

"Well then," she said, "Junius, Zander, and Grimhild, should we get down to business, or would you rather partake of some food and wine? Or would you prefer to start with a bath? I like for my guests to be as comfortable as possible before we discuss...less pleasant things."

In the brief silence of the throne room, Jun's stomach gave a high-pitched squeal in response. Grimhild chuckled, and even the lady upon the intricate dragon throne laughed.

"I suppose that answers my question," said Kaede. Raising a hand into the air summoned several servants all dressed in a plain black uniform to whom she stated, "Please gather three platters for my honored guests. Warm the baths, Ting. Oh, and Sen? Be a dear and find suitable clothing for them. I'll not have them looking like paupers here."

At that, their attention went to their individual outfits. Covered in brine and dust from sea and land, their borrowed wardrobe had certainly seen better days. Zander eyed the torn hem of Jun's vest then to his own patched tunic. Even though they had salvaged some of their armor, everything else had been turned into rags for swabbing a ship deck or guns. Upon receiving the commands, the servants went about their duties with celerity. A long, low lacquered table was brought out from a disguised panel in the wooden wall, as well as three red and gold cushions with tassels. No sooner did they take a seat did the platters heaped with an assortment of delicacies appear. A servant poured them steaming mugs of a fragrant green tea while another worked to fill smaller dishes with condiments. Another came with a cask of rice wine.

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