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Sunny's POV

Exhaustion, sleep deprivation, and fatigue is all I feel this morning. I was hurrying to get ready in the morning since I slept in till 6:30 and classes starts at seven. I was out the door 5 minutes before class starts, but I was in no hurry since the dorms are just behind the school.

As I took my time walking, my bestfriend, Jian, called me.

"Hey! Where the hell are you? Papasok ka pa ba?" his usual greeting to me every morning. I looked at the watch he gave me for my birthday and saw that it was already 7:15. I was already 15 minutes late for my first class, but what's new with that?

"Our building gate." I casually said then hung up the call.

He's always like this, he's a very concerned friend, especially when it comes to academic performance. He's Jian Ramos after all. Our batch's finest. He's the top in our grade and in every strand combined. The school "hearthrob".  But he's my best friend, which people interpret differently. Annoying at first, but we gotten used to it.

I sneakily went inside our classroom while our teacher wasn't looking. I sighed in relief when I finally sat at the back of the class.

The teasing began the moment my friends noticed that I finally entered the room.

"Wow, anong oras na ahh."

"Tsk. Late. Tsk."

"Traffic sa may dorm?"

They all teased. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes. Aren't they used to it by now? I quitely laughed to myself.

I took my notebook out and started taking notes.

A brunnette tapped my shoulders. Rish. She leaned in and said "How are you? You look sleepy."

"I really am, Rish." I tiredly said. I stay at the second floor dorm and my classroom is on the fourth floor. Who wouldn't be tired?

"What time did you sleep?"

"Hmm... three, or four am. Not sure." I answered before looking back at the glass board which made her shake her head in disappointment. I tried to go to bed atleast  midnight, but there was too much noise in the dorms, that I woke up again and couldn't sleep then on.

"Take a nap later. After all, we only have half a day of classes. But you have to make kwento to me later. I saw your tweet." Her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

I looked at her confused then I suddenly remember what I tweeted. 'I think I like him'

The day went on quicker than I expected. Before  I know it, it was already lunch time. Rish, Jian, and I went down to the cafe just besides our building.

Jian went straight to the counter to order our usual, as me and Rish find our seats.

Non-caffeinated Frappe and carbonara for me, and milk tea and carbonara for the two. I don't really get the hype with milk tea, plus i'm not really allowed to have any caffeine.

Rish gave me a look, then her eyes started to trail to Jian. I raised a brow and looked at her silly. Her eyes widened. Before I could ask her what's wrong, Jian came back with our food.

"Here ya go, ladies." he said as he placed each our order in front of us. We talked about the up coming event that our strand was organizing, and the benefit concert we were arranging.

I was busy eating that I almost didn't notice that they were talking about me. I wiped my mouth with a tissue then look at them. They just shrugged so I continue eating.

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