g a t e w a y

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And here I am today
Standing at the gates of hell

I wouldn't have believed anyone
If they'd said I'd get through

But here I am today

Then why don't I feel so good?

Then why don't I feel the rush
Like I always thought I would

I'd never imagined a life
A world outside this world

But here i am today

And it seems like
Maybe I'd found my heaven
Somewhere along the way

Here's a little something I'd written a couple months ago after the whirlwind  of my highschool-- basically school experience was over with and graduation was round the corner.

This is basically what my mindset had been and still somewhat is after all this while.. I'd been so absorbed in that little world that I'd forgotten there'll be a life beyond that as well.

For a self certified overthinker, it's safe to say that I'd definitely not thought of like after my school at all-- Like I'd eventually just disappear after this all.

It's just weird, living life as a teenage human. Huh.

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