The prank part 2

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Jenni's POV
So that night me and nico went to the dance and he saw his friends in girl dresses and said he would back in a minute and it's been a friggin hour I'm going to the security room to see where the hell he is . I got yo the door and opened it I looked in every camera with no successes until I got to the last one it was of Percy jackson's bedroom and there was nico fucking Percy the tears streamed down my face I was so nice to him and now this is how he returns my kindness I felt my eyes turn bright yellow I ran out of there before I lost control I ran out to the woods and screamed and stuck up my middle finger and screamed several curses in every language I knew and stuck up my middle finger to the sky so lost control right then and there rocks flew all around me until I passed out from exhaustion when I woke up I saw a bunch of people hunched over me the one they called annabeth asked me "what happened here?" I looked up and saw all the rocks and before I could answer her somebody said "I saw her hunched in a ball floating in s tornado of rocks!" And heard people muttering freak and weirdo and looking at me like I had a 3rd eye . I got up and ran I didn't know what else to do ! I ran to my cabin changed into my black leather jump suit and black combat boots .i grabbed all my stuff and shoved it into my backpack ran into all the cabins and stole their money which added to a grand total of over $4,000 and was running out of camp when nico said Jenni wait he stood in front of me but I did 3 backflips over him and kept running I ran out of camp and down the road until I saw an motor cycle dealership I looked around and saw a nice black bike with a black helmet to go with it it cost $900 it wasn't even half my money !i went up and told the dealer that I wanted that bike and told him that I had all the money with he told me that he would go get the paperwork and soon enough all the papers were signed and I had my bike "thanks" I told him and drove away .
---------------10 hours later--------------
I've been driving all night I need to rest the next town over is Jump City so I took the exit was driving and saw an abandoned warehouse I parked in front of it and walked in I looked inside and saw that it wasn't abandoned at all and that there was a throne made out of metal and there was a man sitting on it in the shadows "hello ,terra" the man said and I don't know how he knew my real name jenni Jericho was only one of my several covers over the years I've also been blaze jones and archer bakouris but no one knew my real name . "W-who are y-you?" I managed to spit out "I'm slade but you might know me as death stroke the terminator !Now let me ask you would you like to get revenge on the those horrible campers and bastard of an ex-boyfriend ?" My eyes turned yellow and I chocked out " I'd do anything to have my revenge !" He replied with his normal emotionless tone"then I have a proposition for you .I will teach how to control your powers and train you so you will reach your potential if you swear your allegiance to me and to serve only me." I thought about his proposition it seemed he was doing everything for her and asking only one thing in return "I accept your proposition" I replied "then we will begin your training " he replied back almost instantly like he thought out this conversation many times . So he showed me my room and showed me where the bathroom and kitchen were and where the basic training area was . Then I asked him where his room was and he said almost in a daze " the last room down the hall on the left but I don't sleep much I have insomnia.The room's only purpose is basically a place for having sex.Speaking of sex you wanna have it ? " he asked .He caught me completely off guard but I don't know why but i said yes !
I know my writing sucks but whatever and I don't own any thing from teen titans .So terra is absolutely enraged about nico cheating on her and people calling her a freak . Btw next chapter is a sex scene with terraxslade it is not rape
-ani walker

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