A hate love relationship

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Nico's POV

She's gone. She really gone. Tears streaked down my face as I tried to forget every memory of her. Percy forced me into to that. Yeah I liked him but it felt so wrong. I felt hollow and dead. As if my soul itself were beyond hope. "Hey are you okay ? " I heard a voice say gently. It was him. He took everything from me. My sister, my dignity, my hope, my virginty, and now her. "Just fine!" I shouted in annoyance. I angrily stalked away. "Hey wait up!" Percy said in a concerned tone.  "Just leave me alone!" I screamed almost snarling with rage. He back up with his friends scared but still as confident as ever.  I went to my cabin and started sobbing hysterically. 

                                                  💀                                      💀                                         💀

It had been days, maybe weeks even, since I had come out of my cabin. I was still as hopeless but now I felt as if nothing would ever get better and it wouldn't I knew it wouldn't. For the first time in days I went over to the mirror and looked my reflection. My raven colored hair was longer and messed up, my eyes were blood shot and red. I pulled up my shirt and saw that my ribs were now showing prominantly, thinner than a rail. My eye bags purple colored and looked like huge black shadows that covered the diameter of my eye and about 1 inch of skin around them. I shrugged off my jacket and slowly walked into the bathroom. I hesitantly opened the medicine cabinet and found a knife that looked perfect. I walked out of the bathroom and went back to the mirror. I looked at my own wrists. This would ease my pain. It had to. I brought the knife down dangerously close to my skin. I already felt its deathly chilling cold though it was only an inch away from my skin. At that moment I decided what I would do and dragged the knife across my wrist. After I digitized realized what I did I realize what I had just done. I had unknowingly dragged the knife across one of my vital spots instead of just another part on my wrist. Blood was everywhere. I was starting to feel woozy and tired. Soon after my eyes closed and all I saw was the cold black color that I knew all too well.  'Was this death?' I wondered. Soon after I couldn't think and eventually everything went numb as I fell inside the color I knew too well,much too well. 

Sorry for no lemon but I felt like I needed write Nico's side of the story. Sorry for not updating in all while but I was going through almost the same thing Nico went through in this chapter. I'm okay now though! 😄 Anyway same as always sorry if it sucks.

-Ani Walker 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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